Discussion: The US Presidential Election

My favourite quotes from that video:

"I get along with everyone"

"I love the Mexican people"

"Everyone takes me very seriously"

"I don't think I'm a divisive person, I'm a unifier"

What Donald Trump Is Right About

Astonishingly, Donald Trump is right about something!

After recently being caught on a 2005 tape gloating about sexual assaults, Trump issued an unapologetic apology in which he focused on the “big difference” between words and actions. And he has a point.

But there’s abundant evidence that Trump has indulged in not just scurrilous rhetoric, but also in heinous actions. Several more women have stepped forward to offer on-the-record accounts of having been aggressively groped or kissed by Trump against their will, right after he met them.

I also find entirely credible the allegations of Jill Harth, a former business partner of Trump’s, that he assaulted her in 1992 and 1993. Equally credible is the assertion by a former Miss Utah that Trump inappropriately kissed beauty contestants on the lips.

Some Republicans have demanded laws to ban transgender women from entering women’s restrooms or locker rooms, but instead they might focus on the risk of Trump doing this. He has boasted that he marched unannounced into changing rooms to ogle beauty pageant contestants naked, and a former contestant, Miss Arizona, Tasha Dixon, said he did just that as they were changing into bikinis. “Some girls were topless,” she said. “Other girls were naked.”

The pageant theme that year? Empowering women.


But to me, his language pales beside his behavior and likely policies. So let’s try to pivot from outrage at gross words to condemnation of unconscionable behavior and policies. On that sole point, that actions matter more than words, Trump is exactly, frighteningly right.

Yes what a great speech from a great woman. She speaks it from the heart unlike the two present Presidential candidates. I can see here standing for president in the future.
Hey! I haven't said anything! :p

Yet. But am saying now:

She is as sane as they come, and, therefore, should she decide to go into politics, it would be a great thing.

Just that I am not that keen on "royal families" in U.S. politics (Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons...). But for her, I may be persuaded to make an exception.

I'm seeing some odd stuff on facebook about El Trumpo, one person posted a clip where he appeared on stage with a so-called preacher and this fella claimed God spoke through the would be president.

Then I saw a clip where Mr Trump held a baby aloft in front of one of his rallies and he was cheered. The poster called this 'cute'.

And his supporters seem convinced he's an honest person 'unlike Clinton'. Oh really?

Yet another poster on facebook claimed that Trump was a true patriot and that General Montgomery ruined the British invasion of Nazi-held France on D-Day and only the Americans under the command of Patton saved the day and made the beach invasion a success.

So, some Americans believe their fair nation won World War II.

We live in interesting times :rolleyes:
Just that I am not that keen on "royal families" in U.S. politics (Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons...). But for her, I may be persuaded to make an exception.

It would certainly be odd if the sequence of US presidents went Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Obama... but I agree, she does seem like a worthy candidate.
You have to admit that without the Americans we probably would have not won the war if for nothing else manpower oh and the little little bit of water called the straights of Dover. The Yanks boast about their part in WW2 but you have to remember they and us and the Free French, the Polish and others were unable with our manpower when you consider we were fighting out in the Far East, Middle East and Asia. as well as Europe and on most fronts we were retreating until they entered the war.
You have to admit that without the Americans we probably would have not won the war if for nothing else manpower oh and the little little bit of water called the straights of Dover. The Yanks boast about their part in WW2 but you have to remember they and us and the Free French, the Polish and others were unable with our manpower when you consider we were fighting out in the Far East, Middle East and Asia. as well as Europe and on most fronts we were retreating until they entered the war.

I agree with you whole-heartedly and I agree with what you're saying, I realise that without the Americans as allies there may well have been a swastika flying over the Houses Of Parliament and I for one will be forever grateful.

My observation from a post by a Trump supporter on Facebook was just illustrating the depths some supporters will sink to.

I still hold the view that it's now not about the presidential candidates but merely a campaign being driven by political party affiliation. Unfortunately both candidates are easy targets for discrediting, both are less than squeaky clean.

I don't even think it's a choice between two evils anymore, it's purely Republican Vs Democrat. Dr Strangelove is alive and well and living in Arkansas and after election day is over will be polishing his shoes ready for his part in Armageddon.

And yes, Michelle Obama is a feisty lady, she couldn't do any worse than many former Presidents.

And finally. @nivrip, I believe the film in question about the Enigma coding machine actually claimed the Americans invented it, not just found it. Can't remember the film but I think it involved a submarine.
You have to admit that without the Americans we probably would have not won the war if for nothing else manpower oh and the little little bit of water called the straights of Dover. The Yanks boast about their part in WW2 but you have to remember they and us and the Free French, the Polish and others were unable with our manpower when you consider we were fighting out in the Far East, Middle East and Asia. as well as Europe and on most fronts we were retreating until they entered the war.

Funny no one ever mentions the 26 million or so russians that died in WW2. :cool:
That was Hitler's BIG mistake invading Russia he should have left them alone and stopped at the Polish border.