On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:43:58 -0800 (PST), RayLopez99
"Silverlight 2 Unleashed" to do a pretty good job introducing the
tools and how to use them to create animations and visual effects.
That part of it can be a PIA but the degree of difficulty is not too
Well this review says this book sucks...and I'm leary of shelling out
money for these first to market books so maybe I'll pass for now.
Disappointing - Too basic, for the most part, October 29, 2008 By
whatever (san jose, ca) - See all my reviews
I'm a developer who is intimiately familiar with C# and the .NET
platform in general. I've also been playing with Silverlight 1.1-2
betas/rc's and was hoping that this book would fill in the gaps that
I'd gotten through just playing with it.
But in general, the book seems to be pitched toward a less technical
audience- for example, he spends a paragraph telling us how to comment
out XML, another area explains how to install Expression Blend, page
68 explains to us why we've got F's in our numbers (it's hex, duh),
the diff between raster and vector graphics (this was necessary?)
Chapter -8- finally gets us into some code, and it's JavaScript- but
the whole point of V2 was to get us out of JS and let us use other
langs for more complex apps than just adding Flash-like abilities to
our .NET sites.
Even THEN, we get told that, "JavaScript ... and other C-based
languages are case sensitive!", and apparently (in the next para),
"...JavaScript uses -variables- (text has it in italics) to store
data." Oh my!
Chapter -9- is "Understanding .NET" and finally gets into VStudio.
At page 488, you get 10 pages on calling WCF servers.
If you're a .NET developer with some familiarity with WPF/XAML and a
little WCF, you're probably better off waiting for other books. This
should have really been called something similar to "Beginning
Silverlight 2, mostly with Javascript".
If there were any other reasonable books specifically on 2.0, I'd send
it back, but there aren't yet.