Jeff said:
Yo Clark,
Let me start by saying;
Jane is completely accurate in what she said.
IE7 will sandbox downloads; and specifically check said download for a
valid digital signature
If it finds;while checking;that the digital signature isn't valid--POOF--
gone daddy gone.
Here's the best part; and you might remember this;( Richard for
sure;better remember this. LOL
Back awhile ago; when Office '07 came out; I found out the hard way.
IE7 let me download(supposedly) Office '07. All 440+ mb of it.
except for the last 2 or 3 mbs;can't remember.
Anyway IE7 took forever;it said it was verifying the download;
Office 2007 gone. Gone faster than normal deleting 440mb. POOF-vaporized.
Seems it didn't have a digisig, and IE7 vistatized it!!--LOL
Too funny;and embarrassing to MSFT;their own program;no digital signature.
Trust me; it was IE7 sandboxing;was funny with office "07;once.
After twice; it got annoying.
If the file doesn't verify, because of corruption, signature, being
incomplete or being tampered with (yes, I know you got it from Microsoft),
why would you want to save it?
This action is also going to go a long way in helping us keep our computers
clean of "crap". I know of more than a few people who have had their
computers taken over by the contents of a "modified" file.
Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
Posted via Vista RC2, 5744
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)
Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!