DirectX 9.0c released today

  • Thread starter Thread starter Russell
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Tony DiMarzio said:
Hmmm..... What of this "potential" do you want to avoid?

Heh, I think it would become quite addictive. I was at someone's place one
day who has high speed Internet and my head was spinning at just how quick
downloads went! I dunno, it would be nice to have in certain respects, but
I don't often do large downloads. Of course, that would probably change if
I got it!

Seriously though, I pay about $10 a month for the 50 hours per month that I
get right now, and that's pretty good value. I was lucky enough to have
signed up for this particular account when I did from my ISP because they
actually discontinued it a couple of years back. However, they said as long
as I pay my annual renewal, I can keep the 50 hours per month indefinitely.
Today, they only offer 25 hours per month if you wanted that account, an
amount which is really inadequate except for the simplest of things.

Are you trying to rationalize your dial-up??? ;)

Sounds like it. :-)
NoRemorse said:
Whoa. SP2 isn't out yet, is it?
Ooops ... nah it's not.

I was referring to the Win XP SP2 RC2(?) which came bundled with the RC of
dx90c. That dx90c didn't require the AIW PAL patch and neither does the
official dx90c.
So says the person who hasn't yet seen the light. Adblock is awesome.

Indeed... All hale the mighty adblock...

Especially if you can write regular expressions... :-) You can pretty
much block the entire planet's worth of crap in 8 lines.

It's not the time you are risking, it's the slight possibility of f---ing up
your system, given there's no way to uninstall DirectX.
First of One said:
It's not the time you are risking, it's the slight possibility of f---ing up
your system, given there's no way to uninstall DirectX.

*cough*cough* System Restore? At least in ME/XP/2k
I believe. Why do people keep it off anyway, I think it's
very useful.
Aki Peltola said:
*cough*cough* System Restore? At least in ME/XP/2k
I believe. Why do people keep it off anyway, I think it's
very useful.

It usually works but you can't rely on it. Only copying or imaging your
partition is reliable.

PS Have you experienced Windows Update deleting restore points like I have?
Not every time, but it likes to.

Ed Light

Smiley :-/
MS Smiley :-\

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System Restore worked great for me in Windows ME but I've found it
liable to totally mess things up in Windows XP.

I use a program called GoBack Deluxe 3 instead which in many ways is
much more powerful than System Restore.
Ed Light said:
It usually works but you can't rely on it. Only copying or imaging your
partition is reliable.

Of course it is. I don't know how exactly System Restore
works, does it back up ALL files modified/added after creating
a restore point or what, but it has worked fine in my experience.
At least what comes to messing with drivers etc.
PS Have you experienced Windows Update deleting restore
points like I have? Not every time, but it likes to.

Well I haven't noticed anything like that, altough I don't
keep my eye at the restore points all the time either :-)

I installed DX9.0c yesterday. Next night after that I suddenly
got BSOD referring to some ATI2CQAG.DLL-file while I was
just surfing the internet etc. light stuff. Before that I had played
NOLF2 for about 1 hour or so without probs. I got this Radeon
9600pro over three weeks ago and have had no BSODs like
this before, using Cat4.4.

Coincidence, or should I test System Restore if it can successfully
restore DX9.0b? Hmmm...
Aki Peltola said:
Coincidence, or should I test System Restore if it can successfully
restore DX9.0b? Hmmm...

Yeah! Why not?

Ed Light

Smiley :-/
MS Smiley :-\

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First of One said:
It eats up disk space at an alarming pace.

Perhaps it does, if user doesn't have sufficient IQ to
decrease the maximum disk space amount given for
System Restore.
System Restore would be a lot better if you could save a few of the first
batch. That way you could go back to an almost clean install if you wanted
to without using any other software programs.