ARC said:
I now have the treeview running spot-on with MSComctrl.ocx. And it now
works perfectly on beta-testers machines, so that is great news. Have you
found any great tricks with the treeviews? I set mine up with the Linestyle1
rwRootLines, and just the plusMinusText. I make the indentation about 200,
as the default of 500 is too much for narrow fields. Did you every try using
the graphics, or the edits?
No to both. I just adjacent fields.
Create Families from Volunteers User Interface
Oh, I set all the treeview properties in code. I right click the tree
view and play with the properties until it looks like what I want.
But then I record them as I go along and set them up on the Form Open
event. Thus if I have to delete the treeview control and insert it
again the code handles that. That was back in A97 days so maybe
things are stabler these days.
There is one trick if you need to clear all the nodes.
nodes.clear can get real slow when dealing with lots of nodes. Try
turning the form's visibility off, do the clear method and turn the
form's visibility back on. Or possibly the painting property.
If you turn the tree control's visibility off, Access will GPF. (Not
sure what version of Access or the Treeview control)
Tom Mapp said "I just set the root node expansion to false, prior to
Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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