Different English Accents

Feb 6, 2003
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So what kind of accent do you have?

I got a pure London accent but then again I still think different people have different accents in different parts of London.

I must admit I am beginning to find accents interesting, we got Geordi (hope that's spelt right admin ;) ) neighbours and my gosh they are hard to understand. (No offence admin) She calls me "pet." I don't get that? What's that mean? I'd get lost in Tyneside!
I always nod my head when they talk because 70% of the time I get confused.

Then there's a few friends I got from the Midlands, at first I was infatuated with their accents. Perhaps a part of me still is, because I was born and have been raised in an area full of mostly London accents. So when I heard a few women talking to me in a Midlander's accent it made me very happy!

Then there's the Lancashire sort of Mancunian accent. The old Corrie type of one or Ryan Giggs! I don't mind that one
nor do I mind the Yorskhire Geoffery Boycot accent.

I noticed people use different words too such as
"it were very nice last night" (Yorkshire I think)
I would say "it was very nice last night." (south thing)

Then there's lass I wouldn't use that term. We would use bird or woman.

I must finish on an accent I find most bizzare it's a Liverpool accent a Scouse one. (No offence intended TD) Damn they sound too funny, I don't stop laughing when they talk still I bet they laugh at mine too!

So what you all think?

Accents I find them so interesting.

My RSI is kicking in now :(

oh so what about other accents what do they sound like?

For instance the Cumbria, wearside, devon, cornwall or Gloucester?

we got any people from these areas amongst us?
You what, you what you what you what you what?

Howay the lads.

It's a bit hard talking about accents using the written word in a forum as a medium, is it not?

But I will say this.

When it comes to females and accents, some are dead sexy whilst others are the equivalent of a cold water shower :)

For diplomatic reasons, I will not identify which is which to my good self ;)
I am from Romford, Essex (but really it's East London, London Borough of Havering).

I am now at University in Bath. Consequently no-one from round here can understand me. I work at a petrol station constantly dealing with customers and have to repeat myself many times. But I can understand them no trouble! Since I came here (11 weeks ago) I find I'm actually taking the trouble to pronounce some of my words correctly.

Me mates back home were convinced I was going to get a west country accent! (I'm pretty sure Devon & Cornwall are west country accent too)

We have a midlander in our hall of residence, I love that accent too! But apperently only Londoners call Midlanders Northern (If that makes sense)!
Ba baa bah baha ba baa well thats the cumbrian side of things dealt with on to the best accenct in the world . Cepin its nay an accent more llike proper english . Raht real stuff nowt like plum in gob twatle yer get on bbc . Aye lad yarkshire w'ere folk say sumat or nowt if tha gets ma drift .
Me I like soft irish accents best of all .
That geordie lss is just feeling sorry for you mate , now if she said you were a canny lad that would be a whole different ball game .

As it 'appens I do think Geordie lasses is dead sexy... ;)

Ah, memories of staying at The Station Hotel, circa '78, very hospitable people up there ;)
I might have seen you there as me sisters flat mate used to take me there to get me drunk before ....... by gum they ain't shy them geordie lass's . An I was so sweet an inocent .

I'm a geordie, but my accent isn't too broad as I'm from a few miles north. With not living there for about 5 1/2 years now it seems to have softened quite a bit too - as I don't get "say Byker Grove!" when ordering a pint any more ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
I'm a geordie, but my accent isn't too broad as I'm from a few miles north. With not living there for about 5 1/2 years now it seems to have softened quite a bit too - as I don't get "say Byker Grove!" when ordering a pint any more ;)

It's from living with that posh bird ;)

I'm from Dorset but don't have much of an accent - when I go home I really notice everyone elses though! From living in Manchester I think I'm picking up a bit of the local twang, and apparently when I'm cross I go into geordie a bit :o

My favourite accents are Geordie (of course) and Scottish :D Off to Edinburgh today for a long weekend, so it should be good!!
After living in Somerset for a while friends used to think i spoke like the Wurzels!!
But living near London, people i met whilst up near Newcastle recently thought i spoke like those soft southerners do from London.

What part of Dorset are you from SexyBex?
Someone recently asked whether I was from the West Country and when an internet acquaintance and I spoke for the first time, her first comment was "I was expecting a Welsh accent - where is it?" :lol:

When reading posts from the Forum "regulars" it's hard not to start imagining how you think they might sound, so it's interesting to be able to put an accent to a name :)
I'm from Tyneside not excatly Newcastle but Jarrow a small town in South Tyneside.. Apprently according to a friend from somerset who came to visit couldn't understand a word i was saying so just nodded along, :P

I'm biased and love the geordie accent, its a shame i can't hear it when talking to people..My other favourite accent has to be the welsh :)

It's interesting to hear all your stories about accents.


There are so many of them.

I got to hear some of these accents that would be a laugh!
Here's a question:

Why does everyone north of Birmingham think that southerners talk posh?

I know a few people from Leeds, Geordieland - that kind of way - and they reckon that I, and everyone else, talk kind of posh.

Which I don't.

In fact a Hemel accent is simply people thinking they live in Hackney and cut all their H's off.

"I'm from 'emel blud'.

haha tell me about it!

They all think I am posh too
not all of london is posh!

Kensington and Chelsea is though :P
Well I`m from Stoke..the posh bit.(lol)

and the lingo goes like this

"conna av that its myne, and if thee wants to start summit then cum on an try it "

get the drift :)

ps i think scouse girls sound dead sexy
My own accent is... kinda neutral.

And in my many years traversing this fair nation I think it's mostly southerners who have that neutral accent.

Which helps in the ability to mimic other accents.

I can talk posh or I can talk cockney but mostly I just talk kinda vanilla flavoured.

I have noticed though that the drunker I get, the more I lapse into full on cockney geezer, know wot I meen? ;)

I met Ady recently, to my mind he's a country bumpkin cos he don't have a London postcode ;) but he's just got one of those Southern neutral accents.

I met Mucks as well some years back and for a lad who's from Dundee, he has only the slightest Scottish burr.

For such a small Island it's quite amazing we have such a vast range of dialects. I mean, look at the USA, you gotta travel 500 miles to notice a difference, here, it can be as little as 20 miles.
Rush said:
Well I`m from Stoke..the posh bit.(lol)

and the lingo goes like this

"conna av that its myne, and if thee wants to start summit then cum on an try it "

get the drift :)

ps i think scouse girls sound dead sexy

Stoke fan?

Scouse girls all sound like Gerrard!
