ROTFLMAO is more like it. 
I can't believe it! Evading the question? JF?
Perhaps an analogy with a couple of other Aussies might help. Bryan Brown
and Rachael Ward - two of Australia's finest second rates actors, who are
forever deriding the U.S. for anything & everything, but are quite prepared
to bludge off the back of its capitalist, decadent Hollywood film industry.
Q: "What's your opinion of those who piggyback on the success of his
A: Neither here nor there, except when they turn round and take the moral
high ground after further bleeding money from those who use such products.
In which case "nauseated by their flawed, hypocritical and self-serving
rationalizing" might be an appropriate answer.
I see he did
. How totally predictable - a touch of selective
rationalizing and karma is restored. Or could this be the case of the closet
MS Worshipper?

I didn't ask about people choosing to use Microsoft products.
I can't believe it! Evading the question? JF?
I asked about people who support and encourage the use of Microsoft
products and profit from it by offering courses. People who profit
by selling such support are helping Gates' market share. I don't
particulary have a problem with that, but I'm not the one who said,
"Gates represents the worst of American greed."
Perhaps an analogy with a couple of other Aussies might help. Bryan Brown
and Rachael Ward - two of Australia's finest second rates actors, who are
forever deriding the U.S. for anything & everything, but are quite prepared
to bludge off the back of its capitalist, decadent Hollywood film industry.
Q: "What's your opinion of those who piggyback on the success of his
A: Neither here nor there, except when they turn round and take the moral
high ground after further bleeding money from those who use such products.
In which case "nauseated by their flawed, hypocritical and self-serving
rationalizing" might be an appropriate answer.
And if you then say "Fred represents the worst in Australian greed"
and are asked questions about the morality of supporting Fred's
marketing efforts, would you then say that you would offer courses in
Alexware if Alexware were popular?
Popularity of Microsoft products in a red herring wrt the question at
hand. Feel free to dodge it one more time
I see he did

rationalizing and karma is restored. Or could this be the case of the closet
MS Worshipper?