Sure it does!
I have a computer on the desk behind me that is only 640x480 and that is all
it can do....
It also has no idea what a browser is... Haha hahaha
| Resolution does have something to do with it.
| --
| Patty Ayers |
| Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
| Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate Worksheet
| --
| | > Yep.
| >
| > --
| > Murray
| > --------------
| > MVP FrontPage
| >
| >
| > | >> That's your story and you're sticking with it, I see.
| >>
| >>
| >> --
| >> Patty Ayers |
| >> Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
| >> Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate Worksheet
| >> --
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >> | >>> Resolution has nothing to do with it.
| >>>
| >>> --
| >>> Murray
| >>> --------------
| >>> MVP FrontPage
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> | >>>>
| >>>> | >>>>
| >>>>> That's not at all what I'm saying. I would use the resolution to
| >>>>> determine what the width of the maximized browser viewport is
| >>>>
| >>>> Right. So resolution has something to do with it.
| >>>>
| >>>>> I only use it to determine the maximum width of the potential
| >>>>> viewport. Period.
| >>>>
| >>>> Right, that's about it. But that's not "nothing".
| >>>>
| >>>>> From this point, I can see how the page would look on any other
| >>>>> smaller screen without fiddling with resolution, just by decreasing
| >>>>> the viewport's width.
| >>>>
| >>>> Of course. I've been doing that about 30 times a day for the past 7
| >>>> years.
| >>>>
| >>>>> But, you have to admit, the example you have cooked up is rarely
| >>>>> case. Most people ask about public websites where neither the
| >>>>> nor its potential width. [ known.]
| >>>>
| >>>> True, but some statistics about monitor resolution of the target
| >>>> population are usually known, and they provide some useful
| >>>> For instance: I know that the majority of the target population for
| >>>> some of my sites use 1024 x 768. I'm not going to have lines of text
| >>>> which stretch across 100% of the page width, because in my opinion
| >>>> produces unreadably-long lines at that resolution. Resolution has
| >>>> something to do with it.
| >>>>
| >>>> --
| >>>> Patty Ayers |
| >>>> Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
| >>>> Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate Worksheet
| >>>> --
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
| >>
| >
| >