deleting AutoComplete list in the address box [win2000-ie6]

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Hi Lucky - See Robert's post re: this.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Jim -

Have done so, and have tried a few experiments. Not all done yet. Also, have
replied to his very thorough post. Probably tonight I fool around more with
it. The addresses from the "stone age" are mostly gone, a few other types
remain (not yet clear why), some others remain (those are related to
favorites, as Robert said), and the other entries are relating to
"shortcuts", and folders (.lnk for instance).

Very complex convolute stuff. :-|

Thanks Jim. <s>

Everything in there looks like either a Favorite (e.g. a shortcut for a page title
with a hidden extension of URL) or a Desktop shortcut (e.g. a shortcut
name with a displayed extension of LNK). If you select one you will
probably see the .url extension suffixing it in the Address bar.
Usually the URL extension is hidden in other contexts. However, if you prefer
you can display it. There is a checkbox in the Folder Options,
Edit File Type dialog labeled Always show extension which might make
it clearer for you when you are looking at a Favorite.

What I would call discrepancies after a Clear History would be full URLs
including their protocol prefix.

Correction: there is something funny happening but it is with dir
not dir/ad. And it doesn't seem to change no matter what I do to prove
that the dir is incomplete, contrary to what I previously wrote.

Sorry for the confusion.

Greetings Robert,

I haven't had the gumption to really get into doing all the DOS commands yet
to see what is what. I will though, even if it solves nothing but I learn
something. You understand I hope.

Handy to be made aware of the "always show extension" in File Types (Edit).
I did that with a few, but have not noticed any difference yet. Might be
clicking the wrong ones as a test. The behavior of things when one uses that
dropdown box and accesses Windows in Explorer is odd, to say the least. It
is almost spooky. And having IE6 open and clicking on my private stuff, like
folders and what-not that appear in the address bar dropdown is.... well,

Anyway, I surmise that you think that what I've shown in the screenshot
appears "normal". Is that right? Aside from the few "discrepancies" as in
the screenshot below. Of course they might be new since this morning. I'm
now lost, and don't recollect which came from where; which remained; and
which are new. *Very* unscientific of me. :-(
then there are the ones which are "odd" to use or see in IE6 address bar

Obviously I've not gotten as far as either of us would have hoped (?), so I
didn't check the distinctions made and your corrections regarding the:
attrib /s *
than I can with dir/ad

Correction: there is something funny happening but it is with dir not

So, don't yet worry about confusion; I'm already confused before having
traveled further down your road. :-)

If your still interested, I will pursue this further and let you know of my
Thanks a lot Robert. <s>
No prob. Yeah..I forgot the Sys. file rename thing too. <sigh> I'll check
back as I can and see how it goes with the suggestions Robert provided.

Good luck, Lucky. <g>

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

There ya' go Jan. Thanks! :-))

Yeah, there was a program called Move on Boot which allowed certain actions
like re-naming, and deletion and the like. You set the command, and at the
next re-boot, it would do this before loading Windows. But it didn't seem to
work all that great, and it added an extra tab to every properties dialogue
box (to facilitate ease of re-name, deletion, etc.) But...... I didn't like
that, and I also wondered about how many millions of extra registry entries
it would make. My System.dat and User.dat are pretty large already, even
after a Scanreg /opt and scanreg /fix. Don't want no bloatware. :-D
The behavior of things when one uses that dropdown box and accesses
Windows in Explorer is odd, to say the least. It is almost spooky.

It is certainly different. In XP it is also available in the File Open dialog
and various other places like the Run... dialog which makes it much easier
to get used to. I think if you did get used to it you wouldn't want to lose it.
For example, I find navigating subdirectories with it particularly useful.
My routine now is to type a character or two, cursor down into the list,
type a backslash, type another character or two, cursor down into the list,
etc. In the case of long subdirectory names even when I know the
spelling exactly it is often faster doing that routine than trying to type the
whole thing the old-fashioned way OR trying to pick out its icon with the
mouse pointer.

Possibly the only discrepancy in this set will be the URL for the
hyperdictionary site. However, my guess would be that there would
be input forms on that page, that AutoComplete for Forms could be
active and therefore that having that URL in the AutoSuggest dropdown
could be easily explained even if it has been removed from History.
In that case this would be one which I wouldn't be surprised to see
as "Visited:" if you do that find command I suggested.

Note that the default dropdown is full and there is a scrollbar with it.
This then would be an example where your view of a set of matching
names could be improved by expanding the dropdown by dragging
on its border.

Remember to try selecting one of those items which don't have an
extension to see if they are given a .URL extension in the Address bar.
In fact, I suspect that the one which starts out with http-- and ends
with .aspx will turn out to be such a Favorite.

If your still interested, I will pursue this further and let you know of my
Thanks a lot Robert. <s>

Have fun ;)
