Thanks for all your effort, I did use the adding code
you gave to me, can not tell is fast or not, anyway,
thank you so much.
Dave, where I can get good excel Macro on the web that
way I can learn more?
Thanks for all your effort, I did use the adding code
you gave to me, can not tell is fast or not, anyway,
thank you so much.
Dave, where I can get good excel Macro on the web that
way I can learn more?
formatted as "$#,##0.00", it'll-----Original Message-----
the easy question first.
An example showing the difference between the .value and .text.
Say you have 123456.323 in A1. But you have it
show as: $123,456.32
So if I concatenate with .value, I lose all that nice formatting. But if I use
the .text, it'll show up just like it appears in the cell.
This is useful with dates, too. .value = 37931 could be formatted as a date
(mm/dd/yyyy) to show 11/06/2003.
(It's not really Format|Cells|Number tab|Text kind of formatting.)
I just ran a test of that merge version (testme02). I put simple data in
A11600. It ran pretty quickly.
You can speed it up by adding this to the top of the code:
Dim CalcMode As Long
CalcMode = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.screenupdating = false
and near the bottom:
Application.Calculation = CalcMode
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
It'll stop the flickering of the display, too (.screenupdating = false).
I use that merge macro, it take a while to run, not like
concatenate one, it only one second, then I got the
result I need. thanks.
I have one more question when you said in previous email:
if your data needs to be formatted2).Textnicely, you could use:
.Value = .Text _
& " " & .Offset(0, 1).Text _
& " " & .Offset(0,
how do I write the macro to formatted D E F columns to
Text, before I run your merge macro script, maybe data in
column D,E,F did not formatted as you said, that why take
a long time to run, as you mention as above. did this
formatted macro need to run separately or they can
combined into merge marco?
Thank you again, your are wonderful.
1).Value-----Original Message-----
Thanks Dave, your the greatest. I can not thank you
-----Original Message-----
If you want to delete those columns, then you have to
uncomment this line (just
get rid of the leading apostrophe):
'.Value = .Value
It's essentially copy|paste special|values.
Lillian wrote:
I use the concatenate one for the test,it work out
perfect, all the data is on D column, if I click D
column, it is refering to =E1&" "&F1&" "&G1, if I
the '.Range("e:g").EntireColumn.Delete again, guest
the D column become like #REF, is anyway after we run
this then do somekind of pastspecial in H column with
value, but with macro script?
Your are a genius. thanks for all the effort.
-----Original Message-----
Do you mean merge like in merge cells or do you mean
merge like in concatenate?
I'm gonna guess concatenate.
I'd insert a new column D and use a formula that did
concatenation, then
convert to values, then delete the original D:F (now
Option Explicit
Sub testme02()
Dim LastRow As Long
With Worksheets("sheet1")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "d").End
With .Range("d1:d" & LastRow)
.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1] & "" "" & RC[2]
& "" "" & RC[3]"
'.Value = .Value
End With
.Range("e:g").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End With
End Sub
I used the last row of column D to determine the last
row to get a formula.
Change this to a column that always has data.
And I don't know what's in those columns, but it's not
always best to
concatenate and delete. As you can see it's really
to put things
together. It's not always as easy to separate them
the correct fields.
It might be better to leave the formulas and just hide
the columns that the
formulas use.
Did you really mean Merge (as in Format|Cells|Aligment
Then maybe something like:
Option Explicit
Sub testme02()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim iRow As Long
With Worksheets("sheet1")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "d").End
For iRow = 1 To LastRow
With .Cells(iRow, "D")
.Value = .Value _
& " " & .Offset(0,
_& " " & .Offset(0, 2).Value
.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1,
End With
Next iRow
.Range("d1:f" & LastRow).Merge across:=True
End With
End Sub
And one last thing, if your data needs to be formatted
nicely, you could use:
.Value = .Text _
& " " & .Offset(0, 1).Text _
& " " & .Offset(0, 2).Text
to pick up the format from the cell.
Or you could specify the format you want:
.Value = .Value _
& " " & format(.Offset(0,
1).Value,"mm/dd/yyyy") _
& " " & format(.Offset(0,
with the Format function.
Inside the worksheet, you'd use something like: =text
Lillian wrote:
Now I have all the data I need, is anyway to
columnD,ColumnE,ColumnF together, how to write the
to do that, I try to use excel merge cell, it did
work, because columnD,E,F has different type of
thanks for all the help.
-----Original Message-----
I try yours, it work perfectly, thank you so
-----Original Message-----
I'm not sure if you got your problem solved, but
modifying Ron's code slightly:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim r As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
For r = .UsedRange.Rows
(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row To 1 Step -1
If Application.CountA(.Rows(r)) = 0 _
Or .Cells(r, "A").Value = "----" _
Or LCase(.Cells(r, "A").Value)
= "problem"
Or Trim(.Cells(r, "F").Value) = ""
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Lillian wrote:
I have one excel spreed sheet, it about 30,000
records, I
need to deleted some of records, if columnsA
has "problem", the record will be delete, if
space, the record will be delete, if ColumsA
has "-
the record will be delete, if column(F) has
record will be delete.
How can I write the macro to delete those
for the help.
Dave Peterson
(e-mail address removed)
Dave Peterson
(e-mail address removed)
Dave Peterson
(e-mail address removed)
Dave Peterson
(e-mail address removed)