Best be for what? That has nothing to do with the OP's issue.
Your best bet is to double your memory size. Not that expensive.
shumogy said:My bad. 37.2 GB I knew that, I'm just sick of working on this
thing. Think
I'll just be living with some files that can't be defragged.
Unknown said:No such thing as a 2.8 GHz hard drive. Click my computer, right
click your
hard drive, choose properties and see what size your HD is. 2.8
GHz must be
your clock speed.
Hi Gerry,
That's where I got the info. This is an HP WinXP Home Edition with
pack 2. It has a 2.8 GHz hard drive with 248 MB of RAM. It's
running mostly OK. I realize more RAM would help but I'm not in a
position to buy
any more simms just yet. I just don't understand why I keep
getting the
"some files could not be degragmented" thing. It's better by far
than it
248 mb RAM is an odd amount to have! Right click on your My
Computer icon on your Desktop and select Properties. What does it
say there? --
Hope this helps.
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
shumogy wrote:
248 MG RAM Thanks for your help.
I do not understand what you are concerned about. The disk is
not fragmented. You even have a contiguous pagefile. Your
pagefile does seem small for a Windows XP setup! How much RAM
memory do you have? --
Hope this helps.
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
shumogy wrote:
Below is the results I obtained. It got up to 35% done this
time. shumogy
Volume (C
Volume size = 37.26 GB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 7.02 GB
Free space = 30.24 GB
Percent free space = 81 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation = 1 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 54,830
Average file size = 217 KB
Total fragmented files = 1
Total excess fragments = 24
Average fragments per file = 1.00
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 372 MB
Total fragments = 1
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 6,140
Fragmented folders = 1
Excess folder fragments = 0
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 73 MB
MFT record count = 61,103
Percent MFT in use = 81 %
Total MFT fragments = 2
Fragments File Size Files that cannot be
defragmented None
Gerry wrote:
I find it difficult to understand why you have not succeeded
Microsoft Disk Defragmenter to defragment the drive.
Run Disk CleanUp to empty the Recycle Bin and remove
Temporary Files etc. Then run Disk Defragmenter in Safe
Mode. You should not need Perfect Disk, which you will have
to pay for after the expiration of the trial period.
If Disk Defragmenter fails to complete then run chkdsk.
Select Start, Run, type "Chkdsk /f /r" wihout the quotes and
click on OK.
You will be asked if you want chkdsk to run on the next boot.
Click on Y(Yes) and exit. Restart your computer. After chkdsk
completed try running Disk Defragmenter again in safe mode.
Except: Eliminate the /f from the command.
The /r includes the /f. You can sometimes get strange
results with both flags used at the same time. ChkDsk /? at
a command prompt will reveal the possible commands and
explains that /r includes /f.
shumogy wrote:
Below is the what Disk Defragmentor says right now. I
downloaded a trail version of Perfect Disk 8. It want to
defragment my Metafiles on reboot but is unable to lock
Drive C.
Volume (C
Volume size = 37.26 GB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 7.06 GB
Free space = 30.20 GB
Percent free space = 81 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation = 1 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 54,891
Average file size = 218 KB
Total fragmented files = 108
Total excess fragments = 469
Average fragments per file = 1.00
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 372 MB
Total fragments = 1
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 6,022
Fragmented folders = 7
Excess folder fragments = 13
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 73 MB
MFT record count = 61,041
Percent MFT in use = 81 %
Total MFT fragments = 2
Fragments File Size Most fragmented files
49 20 KB
\WINDOWS\system32\config\software.log 35 1 KB
\WINDOWS\system32\config\system.log 27 435 KB
\Documents and Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
Store\Deleted Items.imm
23 631 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
- MSN Hotmail.log
22 105 KB \Documents and Settings\All
22 128 KB \Program
17 1 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\ntuser.dat.LOG 13 150 KB
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\McAfee\MCLOGS\MISP\SiteAdv\SiteAdv002.log 13
832 KB \Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application
Sweeper\Temp\SSMS28184D81-BE87-4762-8D18-808B57BBA574.tmp 11
2 MB \Documents and
Sweeper\Temp\SSMS988CED83-6ACE-4C98-8F1C-5F072D030C4E.tmp 11
1 KB \Documents and Settings\Barb\Local
Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG 10 4 MB
\Program Files\Webroot\Spy Sweeper\Masters\masters.mst 8 3 MB
\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application
8 1 KB
\WINDOWS\system32\config\default.log 8 1 MB
\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application
8 314 KB \WINDOWS\Prefetch\Layout.ini
7 390 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.IE5\L646NX1S\topics[1].htm 7 96
KB \Documents and Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
7 448 KB \Documents and
Settings\LocalService\Application Data\Webroot\Spy
6 191 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
Store\Sent Items.imm
6 48 KB \StarmIRC\popups.ini
6 53 KB \Documents and Settings\All
Data\McAfee\MCLOGS\MISP\mcupdmgr\mcupdmgr002.log 5
352 KB \Documents and Settings\Barb\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.IE5\L646NX1S\watermark_300x[1].bmp 5
76 KB \Documents and
Data\Webroot\Spy Sweeper\Temp 5 320 KB
\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application
Sweeper\Temp\SSMSFE0AF838-D7A1-4E45-840D-D48D0F77163A.tmp 5
57 KB \Documents and Settings\Barb\Local
5 47 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
5 92 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
5 121 KB \Documents and
Settings\Barb\Local Settings\Application
Data\IM\content.ucd "Gordon Shumway" wrote:
You didn't do this:
If you would like comments on your current fragmentation
open Disk Defragmenter and click on Analyse. Select View
Report and
click on Save As and Save. Now find VolumeC.txt in your My
Documents Folder and post a copy.
Hi Gerry,
Thanks for the suggestions but it didn't work.
Certain files are never listed although you will get the
not defragmented message. The MFT ( Master File Table )
and the pagefile are examples.
In general terms a minimum of 15% free disk space for
the MS Disk Defragmenter to work effectively and 20 to
25% is desirable. You can buy third party defragmenters
that require
negligible free disk space to operate but most require a
similar amount to the MS Disk Defragmenter.
Before running the MS Disk Defragmenter it is desirable
to run
Disk CleanUp (or a third party utility cCleaner) to empty
Recycle Bin and remove Temporary Files etc. If you use
Express you should compact before running Disk CleanUp.
Whether you use Disk CleanUp or cCleaner you also should
remove all but the latest System Restore
point -the More Options tab in Disk CleanUp. If you did
not do
these tasks before running the MS Disk Defragmenter then
will partly explain the poor result you achieved.
It is likely that an allocation of 12% has been made to
Restore on your C partition which is over generous. I
would reduce it to 700 mb. Right click your My Computer
icon on the