Mike Hall - MVP
Gerry said:Mike
There is no benefit to a defrag graphic.
There is a benefit. Seeing something happening reassures the user and
counters problems resulting from user frustration. The user is less
tempted to interupt the process.
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Agreed in principle. I think that the Diskeeper guys got it right. By
default, numbers are all you see. If you want a graphic, you can select the
option, but when large files have to be moved, the numbers come back until
the end, and is if by magic, the graphic re-appears..
Wahhhhhhhhh.. there are big gaps between everything. It hasn't worked..

Central Point has a lot to answer for, don't you think. Mind you, in the
days of DOS defraggers, it was nice to see a graphic, I guess..