Which is the best defrag tool (free/paid)?
Whats the advantage of using a third-party defrag tool over Windows
built-in tool?
At this place where I do some computer odds and ends, so many people
that think their computer is too slow (often quite suddenly) just
automatically think, or have heard that any perceived performance
problem is a fragmented hard disk and the fix for just about any
ailment is to defragment. Another good one is, I am running out of
room on my hard disk, so I must defragment it to get more room.
Why not try the Windows defragment tools? I think most people find
them adequate. They will show you a nice colorful before and after
picture, then take a long time to run and probably won't help much at
all, but at least try it. Then you can download some other tools or
pay for some and probably get the same results for your time and
effort. You will likely still have your problem. Do some before and
after timing and space comparisons and see what you get.
Perhaps your disk really is fragmented badly and needs some help -
could be. It would be interesting to know if the unknown problem you
are trying to solve is remedied by defragmenting. It would be more
interesting to know what the real problem you are trying to solve is.
Or maybe you are just curious about fragments and don't have any
problem to solve. Good for you.
If you are having some performance issues, look for help with them by
providing more details about the problem and your setup.
Defragmenting does not solve everything.