George Macdonald
Perhaps you would be so good as to point out where it says anything
about 800MHz DDR2? I didn't see much in the memory controller or DRAM
I saw table 44 which appears to indicate that upto 4 DIMMs/channel can
be used with DDR2-400/533, but only 2 DIMMs/channel at DDR2-667.
DDR2-800 isn't even listed as an option.
I already told you that ([email protected])... not
a good listener?... or your horse is too high.

Could it be that it's not shown because PC2-6400 RDIMMs are not generally
available?... and were possibly not even available as sample parts when the
docs were written?
Well maybe it's the fact that you seem to think IBM is lying, yet these
designs appear to confirm (although hardly in a definitive fashion)
what IBM claimed. And there's the fact that the manual also appears to
confirm what IBM claimed...
No, the question is: why did IBM show DDR2-800 when AMD is not even
claiming support... yet? I made no such suggestion that IBM is lying -
quit trying to put words in my mouth.
Bottom line: this is marketing material and contains a non-mfr approved
configuration; I'd also like to know where they acquired PC2-6400 RDIMMs -
not on Micron's or Crucial's lists! Why pick out such a non-listed, not
generally-available configuration and show it's limitations for only that
system and not for the others - not "lying" but intellectually dishonest?..
I think so... though within tolerance limits for umm, marketing materials
to some people?