Daylight saving glitch

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date
I think you're all mad. Daylight saving ENDED last sunday.

Depends on where you are! DST starts a week later in North America than in
Europe. DST ends about now in the southern hemisphere. And there's no DST in
many places, such as Saskatchewan, Arizona, Indiana, and places near the
Equator. We went to Australia 19 years ago when the fall time changes
occurred. Between different weeks of making the change and which way it went
and the fact that part of Australia has a time zone that's half an hour
different than the adjacent one, we gave up on trying to figure out what
time it was in California while we were there.

And besides all that, my Timex digital watch didn't recognize February 29
this year.

Ok, will agree that California is on another planet...

The rebels in Nth Americian Colonies can't do the maths for last sunday in
the month. So as they can only count to 1, they change 1st Sunday of the

Computers work in binary. Can they too only count to 1?

It's autumn here not fall. Though someone did ask me a couple of months ago why you call it fall. We theorised it was falling leaves. Queensland doesn't have daylight savings either (nor does WA but they have their timezone all to themselves). The extra hour of daylight puts the cows off. But I worked on a dairy farm 30 years ago (in NSW a daylight state), our cows didn't mind the extra hour.

Your states are really teeny weeny places. It looks like you can walk across them in an afternoon. Ours are big (and empty).

So they need the 1/2 hour as 1 is too much. Then it's 1 1/2 hours to the next state.

Console yourself that that 1/2 hour state has bizarre sex crimes. Like Tennessee (eg your mum is also your sister).
The daylight states in the past used to change at different dates as well. But we only have 6 states and two territories so it's not that hard.

CA and Australia always had a lot of immigration between them, both ways. Mainly due to gold rushes.
You're right...
States may choose whether or not they will observe DST. States and
territories who do not observe DST include Arizona, Hawaii, the Eastern Time
Zone section of Indiana, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin

But the majority RULES! < laughing>
