Dave the bass says hello...

Hello and welcome to the site! :)

I'm loving all these new technical terms, 'fuffty' and 'webbernetting' are my current favourites :thumb:
Sexy Bex said:
Hello and welcome to the site! :)

I'm loving all these new technical terms, 'fuffty' and 'webbernetting' are my current favourites :thumb:

Oh yeah, I'm way-up on the ol' techno jargon y'know ;)

I think some of comes from 'hangin out wid dem bare mad yoot' down at my local skatepark, I'm 43 but luckily still haven't grown up yet and still think skateboarding is cooooool!



I'm probably too new to be welcoming so hello Dave the Bass.How low can go?Bass how low can you go?
captain zed said:
I'm probably too new to be welcoming so hello Dave the Bass.How low can go?Bass how low can you go?

Well, I can drop tune the low B on mah 6 string bass and communicate with Whales and Dub fans all over the world, that low enough?



floppybootstomp said:
You poser

Yep! :
I gave up skateboarding at about 11 years old.

Friend still has his which his kids now use!;)
I'm not sure what ya mean by Dub fans.....coming from dubllin i would be a dub fan.Dont know anyone from Wales either.LOL
captain zed said:
I'm not sure what ya mean by Dub fans.....coming from dubllin i would be a dub fan.Dont know anyone from Wales either.LOL

Dub is a kinda music derived from Reggae...Have a look here for a better description....
Madxgraphics said:
Dub is a kinda music derived from Reggae...Have a look here for a better description....
I was only jokin about that lads. In Dublin we call people who support the Dublin footy team Dub fans. Also i was dj for a good few years, so i'm no stranger to Dub.(terrible stuff LOL). I would like to say thanks to PCW for the CCleaner download link. Its brill. Would ya's believe this laptop is only 7 weeks old and the cleaner gave me back 988mb,that i didnt even know was gone. I'm a happy camper after. Longlive PCW.
feckit said:
I gave up skateboarding at about 11 years old.

Friend still has his which his kids now use!;)

I gave up at 16....Then took it back up as an overweight 36 year old.

As an overweight 43 year old I hurt a lot....but it in't arf fun. You wouldn't believe the look on the little 'uns faces when I turn up at a skatepark, they say to me "which ones your son Mr?" as they survey the other kids at the park..."none of 'em mate, my son is 20 years old and at work..this is ME-time" and off I whizz around the park Weeeeeeeeeee :)


PS. Bigupdah dub inna dread stylee, brah!
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeespec, you foo :D

I am useless at skateboarding only ever attempt resulted in cuts, bruises and grazes.

I was ok, however, at surfing for a while, which is odd, you'd think the two would go hand in hand.

Hang ten, dude, as they say :cool:
^^^^^ Raddy Daddy-o.

You've still got all the jargon Tony.

Hang Ten indeedy!

I'm not very good at Skootleboarding but I have a good giggle doing it. Tried surfing last year, ooooffff, at the end of a 2 hour taster session was getting it. Got mah step-ups sorted but jump-ups are still a no no :(

Off to Cornwall again later this year, more practising methinks :)

The only skateboarding i do is my oul alfa romeo.....my knees dont hold up to much these days.....think about it lads....ya have to wear a helmet.Says it all to me.What ever is left of my few braincells after all the par taying,i'd like to keep for forumming and the like.I'll have to google forumming to see if its there or not.

If its not its a phrase born of PCR.Waddya's think??
:wave: Zzzzz
captain zed said:
...think about it lads....ya have to wear a helmet.Says it all to me.

Nah, I don't. Only if I'm told to wear a helmet by the insurers of the park will I give in. I've knocked myself out cold in the past but its a risk i take.

I also ride my bike 'with no handlebars' (sic) the wrong way down one way streets and swallow chewing gum.

I've also ran with scissors open too.

...welll..... you gotta live a bit.....


I once drove from Little Wallop to Chipping Norton not wearing my seatbelt :eek:

I am such an adventurer :cool:

Tell me, when you were young did you used to just wear your underpants and wiggle through the sandpit on your belly making out you were a snake?
floppybootstomp said:
Tell me, when you were young did you used to just wear your underpants and wiggle through the sandpit on your belly making out you were a snake?

Still do.

Are we meant to grow out of that stage then?

Well hello and welcome Dave the bass.

A finer friend of mr Flops..better your name be Hardshoejump...lol..

43 years old...vintage year 1965..me born then too....year of all things fine.
like you i dont want to grow up...
..either (go on admit it ), although skateboarding is a excercise too far lol...
Rush said:
Well hello and welcome Dave the bass.

A finer friend of mr Flops..better your name be Hardshoejump...lol..

43 years old...vintage year 1965..me born then too....year of all things fine.
like you i dont want to grow up...
..either (go on admit it ), although skateboarding is a excercise too far lol...

Aye, good year 1965. 'My Generation'..... first pop single with a proper bass solo in.....the same year I was born.... mean't be weren't it.... 'cept Ken Dodd and 'Tears' was number 1 when I was born.

How uncool is that :-)
