The data is correct in the database. The truncation seems
to be to the nearest full word at the physical level, and
only while the cell is selected.
For example, If my data was:
And only this much fits physically in the grid cell:
When I click in the cell I get:
And when I click off again I get:
-----Original Message-----
I am wondering if the truncation is occuring at the database level
or if somehow the code iteself is truncating the data. For instance
if the dataset field has a max of 50 chararacters and the database
has a max of 100 the grid will cut off the 50 the database tries to
I may be wrong though because now that I think about it it should
throw a concurrency error.
One Handed Man said:
Useful, yes, but this is not the answer really is it. If you were
using a spreadsheet, you would not necessarily want wrapping to
happen. The OP wants truncation to stop, not wrapping to begin. (
At least I think as much ).
Regards - OHM
scorpion53061 wrote:
Mr.Ken Tucker taught about allowing word wrap to occur inside a
cell. Since doing this, I have not had these issues.
If he does not respond I will see if I can dig it up from memory.
"One Handed Man [ OHM# ]" <O_H_M{at}BTInternet{dot} com> wrote in
message 23M$pt250DHA.2528@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
Erm, this is a thorny issue. Basically there is no AutoWidth
facility. You need to measure the text you have in there and set
the column width to be wide enough to display it. It's cr*p I
But, there are third party grids out there which do this sort of
Regards - OHM
Sean wrote:
I am using a datagrid to display some data. I notice when
I click in a cell where the data is longer than the cell
width, it truncates the end of the data off.
For example:
The data is:
This is sample data
Column only has room for:
This is sample da
When I click in the cell, it changes to:
This is sample
When I leave the cell, it changes back to:
This is sample da
Is this a property of the DataGridTableStyle? Can I fix it
so that when I click in the cell, all the data is there if
I right arrow over? Thanks.