Would this be the correct way to do it?
Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim parm As SqlClient.SqlParameter
strSql = "SELECT * FROM WOlist"
sqlAdapt = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
sqlAdapt.SelectCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSql, con)
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("UPDATE wolist SET sitenum = @sitenum," + _
" plaats = @plaats " & _
" fse = @fse " & _
" VorigePmdatum = @VorigePmdatum " & _
" VorigeWOnum = @VorigeWOnum " & _
" NieuwWOnum = @NieuwWOnum " & _
" typeSite = @typeSite " & _
" online = @online " & _
"WHERE sitenum = @oldsitenum", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@sitenum", SqlDbType.NText, 5, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@plaats", SqlDbType.NText, 50, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VorigePmdatum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VorigeWOnum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NieuwWOnum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@typeSite", SqlDbType.NText, 50, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@online", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
parm = cmd.Parameters.Add("@oldsitenum", SqlDbType.NChar, 5, "CustomerID")
parm.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
sqlAdapt.UpdateCommand = cmd
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT INTO wolist SET sitenum = @sitenum,"
+ _
" plaats = @plaats " & _
" fse = @fse " & _
" VorigePmdatum = @VorigePmdatum " & _
" VorigeWOnum = @VorigeWOnum " & _
" NieuwWOnum = @NieuwWOnum " & _
" typeSite = @typeSite " & _
" online = @online " & _
"WHERE sitenum = @oldsitenum", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@sitenum", SqlDbType.NText, 5, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@plaats", SqlDbType.NText, 50, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VorigePmdatum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VorigeWOnum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NieuwWOnum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@typeSite", SqlDbType.NText, 50, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@online", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
parm = cmd.Parameters.Add("@oldsitenum", SqlDbType.NChar, 5, "CustomerID")
parm.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
sqlAdapt.InsertCommand = cmd
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("DELETE FROM wolist SET sitenum = @sitenum,"
+ _
" plaats = @plaats " & _
" fse = @fse " & _
" VorigePmdatum = @VorigePmdatum " & _
" VorigeWOnum = @VorigeWOnum " & _
" NieuwWOnum = @NieuwWOnum " & _
" typeSite = @typeSite " & _
" online = @online " & _
"WHERE sitenum = @oldsitenum", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@sitenum", SqlDbType.NText, 5, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@plaats", SqlDbType.NText, 50, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VorigePmdatum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VorigeWOnum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NieuwWOnum", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@typeSite", SqlDbType.NText, 50, "CustomerID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@online", SqlDbType.NText, 12, "CustomerID")
parm = cmd.Parameters.Add("@oldsitenum", SqlDbType.NChar, 5, "CustomerID")
parm.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
sqlAdapt.DeleteCommand = cmd
These are all the fields per row.
"Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" <
[email protected]> schreef in bericht
Does the WOlist table have a primary key defined?
To use the SqlCommandBuilder you need to have a primary key defined on the
table. Also as Cor stated, you need to return at least one row.
However! Instead of using the SqlCommandBuilder I would simply define my own
Insert, Update & Delete commands and assigning them to the SqlDataAdapter.
sqlAdapt.UpdateCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strUpdateSql, con)
sqlAdapt.InsertCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strInsertSql, con)
sqlAdapt.DeleteCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strDeleteSql, con)
Along with the respective parameters.
As I stated, I put the above objects on a Component so I can use the Visual
Designer at design time (greatly simplifies creating the objects as you have
drag & drop & the properties window).
Again Sceppa's book provides full examples & explanations.
Hope this helps
EMW said:
this is the code I use, but I still get that message:
con = New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Server=" + strServer + _
";database=" + strPMWOdatabase + _
";Integrated security=SSPI" + _
";Connect Timeout=" + strTimeOut)
Catch ex As Exception
writeSiteGegevensUpdate = False
con = Nothing
Exit Function
End Try
strSql = "SELECT * FROM WOlist"
sqlAdapt = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
sqlAdapt.SelectCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSql, con)
Dim cb As SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder = New
sqlAdapt.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
sqlAdapt.Update(dsWO, "WOlist")
Catch ex As Exception
writeSiteGegevensUpdate = False
MsgBox(ex.Message + vbCrLf + ex.ToString)
Exit Function
End Try
this is the message:
Additional information: Dynamic SQL generation for UpdateCommand is not
supported on the basis of a SelectCommand that does not provide information
on key columns.
"Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" <
[email protected]> schreef in bericht
I don't want to keep the database open for a long time.
The dataset is connected to a datagrid and people can fill in some extra
Then don't! You can open & close your Connection only when you do the
DataAdapter.Fill or DataAdapter.Update.
I'm looking for a fast way to update the database.
DataAdapter.Update on a single DataSet is a fast way to update a database.
would expect getting a second DataSet involved would slow things
you now have 2 datasets & you are coping data).
I don't think I can just connect to the database and do an Update
some filling first....but if it is possible.....
You statement is how ADO.NET is designed:
1. Create DataSet ds
2. Connect
3. DataAdapter.Fill ds
4. Disconnect
work with dataset, making changes, additions, deletions
5. Connect
6. DataAdpater.Update ds
7. Disconnet
Again Sceppa's book covers all this in great detail.
So basicly I have a procedure with the changed dataset as an argument
inside the procedure I want to update the sql database.
That sounds normal ADO.NET. The dataset you pass to the procedure is the
exact same one you would pass to the DataAdapter.Update.
I like all my
database 'actions' to be put in one single module instead of everywhere
the program. To keep the programsize as small as possible.
Normally I put all my "actions" in a Data Component (Project - Add
Component) that has my Connections, Commands, and DataAdapters on