Laura Fredericks said:
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Absolutely, Gabriele. ;-) The story's all over the
place... But you know Sooooooooooge -- trying to
impress his script kiddy friends. ;-) Anyone with
half-a-brain already knew about this exploit, because
if that is the case then how do you know about it? because you sound like
you have less then half a brain
they read computer security sites on a regular basis.
There was no reason for him to create demo links on
maybe he thought it was important enough to place on more then one! page
his site, 'cause these demos *already exist*. He's
just trying to make himself into some be-all, know-all
god, ya know? <snicker> Like it was *him* that
As long (quite some time; but now I choose to make my presence known) as I
have been lurking I have NEVER seen him even remotely act like he thinks
himself to be some kind of know it all; but only that he sincerely seems to
want to try and warn people. What's the foul? even his arch enemy 4Q says
on his page that Sugien has not done anything more then any other programmer
has ever done and that the only thing Sugien gets into trouble with you and
others is because Sugs' is just so in your face with "I have not done
anything wrong" and that I think is what rubs people the wrong way. Even
though he hasn't in my opinion done anything wrong or that any other
programmer has not, he just rubs you and others the wrong way; because you
think he may be gaining some limited fame for trying to help folks for free
that you and some of your cronies either can't or won't
discovered this exploit! ROFLMAO! Note how he doesn't
cite even one source in his post! ;-)
Did you read something in his post that I could not see? I did not see
anywhere he said anything remotely resembling his having discovered it. The
source cited in the source where it should be.
All Sooooooooge had to do was make a post saying, "In
case you missed it..." and provide a URL to one of the
MANY credible source articles -- so as not to insult
the intelligence of the *rest* of us. ;-)
Get off the guys back. Just because his posting style is not what you think
it should be what is the problem? How could he insult something
(intelligence) that by your comments you show you do not have?
But what do you expect from a known coderipper and
plagiarist? ;-)
I have followed this Sugien thing for some time and I have never found
anything that he has done that any other programmer hasn't. As for
plagiarism, how can you say that when you admit to STEALING screen captures
from his web page that says is not allowed and then create a page using
them? True plagiarism and stealing like you did are two different things.
I think you are more of a thief for stealing his copyrighted content and
then your admitting to stealing them and then warning anyone that views your
page to not do likewise and for them to not steal his stuff like what you
have. One other thing on his being a plagiarist, if I remember correctly
the person which Sugien was accused that of, posted saying he did not and I
read the local paper in which Sugien admitted the mistake and printed a
correction. Printing a correction sounds honorable to me and had he
intended to do then he would to my way of thinking never have had his column
print a correction.