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Windows Vista AppReadiness:
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Desktop Experience -
Windows System & Performance
John Barnett MVP said:
Adam, one thing that Microsoft 'does not' have is it's 'way with me' as you
so crudely put it. Every single post that I reply to is for the benefit of
'you' the user, not Microsoft. Microsoft neither employ me, own me, or
anything else you care to mention. Anyone who thinks differently is
definitely in cloud cookoo land. MVPs are quite capable of voicing their own
opinions to Microsoft which, contrary to popular belief, occurs far more
often than you think.
Really? I've never seen any MVP in any Microsoft group EVER being even
slightly critical of Microsoft. I doubt anyone else has either.
I agree with your point that third party windows software requires a version
of Windows, but you seem to be forgetting that the third party software you
purchased was 'created' by a 'third party' not Microsoft. That third party
has ample opportunity to ensure that their software works with the current
version of Windows. If it doesn't then the third party provide a suitable
patch, if the patch doesn't work they bring out a newer version and charge
you all over again.
The standard it ain't Microsoft's fault defense. <snicker>
Let me share a detail with an application I use a lot. Sony's Vegas, a
professional video editing suite. It is rock solid, rarely if ever
crashes and works very well with Windows XP and Vista. Since I'm using
an older version it worked perfectly in XP. When I upgrade to Vista,
Vegas still worked except for one feature; it's color corrector
filter. Under Vista the eyedropper tool while still capable of
sampling the color of the pixel clicked on and acting accordingly
shifting the color wheels to apply a correction it no longer lets you
draw a box to sample an area. An annoyance, since sampling multiple
pixels to apply a correction is of course better than just sampling
one pixel.
After SP1, a new problem started to crop up. Now randomly if I add new
files to the timeline as I'm editing Vista will throw up a nag screen
claiming it needs to shut the application down. This screen is
superimposed on top of the Vegas screen that if I could click on it
would at least tell me the CAUSE of the exception error. Nothings gets
written to Windows' Event logs so I'm in the dark and can't "fix"
Now why this has become a MAJOR pain in the ass. Vegas is smart enough
to save a copy of open work files every ten minutes. Since SPI since I
have no idea if or when Vegas may be shut down only because Vista says
it has to I have to save my work every couple of minutes to avoid
losing changes.
Now because of Microsoft fiddling with SOMETHING in Vista in SPI, who
knows what, they have in effect BROKEN the application I use most
changing it from a rock solid stable application I could trust to
hardly ever crash no matter what to something I can no longer trust at
all prone to crash anytime for no reason causing me to lose work.
The more simple minded will of course blame Sony and demand they
"patch" their software. Smarter people know Microsoft is the guilty
party here making some change that may have fixed something else
without regard to what it is also MESSING UP in other applications.
Everything that happens on this Earth is the fault of Microsoft no other
company on Earth can be to blame, but Microsoft. Microsoft has it's fault
but it takes two to tango. All you are doing is blaming Microsoft, when you
should also be looking at the other developer's software that is on your PC.
I keep wondering why people like you are so eager to hold Microsoft
blameless no matter what. It makes no difference how well anyone
documents any problem that clearly can be traced to Microsoft you and
others automatically and without blinking an eye always say, ain't
Microsoft's fault. I find that insulting to my intelligence.
However, sadly, some people you can't convince; you are obviously one of
them, so I am wasting my valuable time even attempting to reason with you.
Reason with me? Making lame excuses why it can never be Microsoft's
fault isn't reasoning. It does show me you're just another mind
numbing Microsoft robot that can't think for himself.
Vista, like all Windows versions before it is riddled with all kinds
of programming errors, some of which only show up under specific
conditions on SOME systems. Would be refreshing if any Microsoft
fanboy just ONCE would admit that's true. That's obviously expecting
way too much, so I'm wasting my time documenting things that are broke
in Vista. Still is does show those having problems that they aren't
alone and often it isn't their fault, but is Microsoft's fault. Heck
even they admit it sometimes. Do spend some time reading Microsoft's
Knowledgebase where they ACKNOWLEDGE, yes, we screwed X up and it is a
known issue.