Thank you Sue for all of your help.
How can I get the UserProperty back off the ContactItem??
Also what books would you recommend for learning this little things with
C# and Outlook programming?
Hi Sue, I am having issues installing my outlook addin on client
machines. It seems to install but does not show up in outlook.
Do you have any ideas?
Hi Sue, you may know the answer to this. I start a new thread in the
outlook addin, but when I shutdown outlook the outlook.exe process is
still running. I assume that thread does not die. I do thread.Abort(),
but that does not do it. Do you have any insight?
Hi Sue, I have two more questions for you.
1) When I add the custom field in outlook through view.XML, I have to
restart outlook before I can see my fields in the view. Any ideas?
2) I see there is a private checkbox for contacts and meetings, how can
I access that programmtically to determine whether a contact is private
or not?
Thanks Sue,
I tried to create an exe that I can run from my installation which will
create the view before the user even tries to open the add-in. It is
not an addin, but just an exe that uses Outlook.ApplicationClass. But
when the exe is done, one of two things happens, either Outlook.exe is
still running or I get mscorlib Int32 ReleaseComObject nullpointer
Any ideas?