Crunching Wet and Dry

These are mine below on an AMD X2 4200+ Dual Core.

12/03/2008 19:17:45||Benchmark results:
12/03/2008 19:17:45|| Number of CPUs: 2
12/03/2008 19:17:45|| 2222 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
12/03/2008 19:17:45|| 3886 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
12/03/2008 19:17:46||Resuming computation

Abarbarian said:
Them results for the 3800 are impresive , what OS are you using ??


XP Pro.
Here are mine.

AMD Athlon(tm) 64x2 Dual Core 5000+

CPUs 2

2637 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
4590 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU

Now, what I really want to know is, are these good or bad ? :confused: I don't imagine I can do anything about them anyway. :D
nivrip said:
Here are mine.

AMD Athlon(tm) 64x2 Dual Core 5000+

CPUs 2

2637 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
4590 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU

Now, what I really want to know is, are these good or bad ? :confused: I don't imagine I can do anything about them anyway. :D

My 4800 is returning higher results under XP Pro than you . What OS are you using ??

Adywebb said:
You misunderstand me - 64bit Linux WILL give you more points.....but nowhere near the benchmark increase of 27%.

In my comparisons using Ubuntu 64bit it seemed to crunch units slightly faster, and if you are lucky enough to be matched in the quorum with another using the same you WILL get more points.....but sadly it won't happen very often.

You CAN expect to get an increase, but it won't be that much is all I'm saying - but it should be noticeable I hope..........and anyway its good to experience other OS's

OK I'll put me bottom lip back in then . As long as I'm getting the best out of me pc I'm happy .
Looks like I'm going to have to convert the whole crunching world to Ubuntu . So thats next weeks project sorted then .


P.S. an it is neat playing with the Gibbon .

Abarbarian said:
See post 16 , I don't see why you are returning such a higher set of figures ??



Yours at stock?
Mine is at 2.5.


By the way, folks, don't get hung up on the benches cos it's the work that matters and different boinc manager versions give different bench results anyway.

If you are running as fast as you can with 24/7 stability that's all that matters. ;)
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vaio said:

Yours at stock?
Mine is at 2.5.


By the way, folks, don't get hung up on the benches cos it's the work that matters and different boinc manager versions give different bench results anyway.

If you are running as fast as you can with 24/7 stability that's all that matters. ;)

I don't have a 3800 and the poster did not specify but I'm guessing by the figures that it is running at or near to stock .

wizkid said:

Thats a little odd . Taffycats single core and my old Clawhammer are returning slightly higher results .I'm a bit puzzled as to why .
