Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]
* "Fergus Cooney said:Herfried often gives links to his part of the mvps.org site. This presents
the visitor with a pageful of German, which most people can't understand, of
I will add a link to Google's translation feature in the next release
(still working on it).
course. They then have to navigate to another page of German which explains
the particular topic. Then they have to download a zip of a project, which
presumably is in German as well. (It may not be of course, but it's a
reasonable assumption).
The license agreement is written in English.

When I give links to palmbytes.de, I always give people instructions to
ignore the German and download the project. And I tell them that the project
itself is in English. This way they won't be 'frightened off' before they get
to the useful bit.
Perhaps Herfried could add the same reassurances to his file of links
where they refer to German web pages/sites. Perhaps not. ;-)
I often post links to English language ressources in the German groups,
but nobody complained about the fact that the pages were written in an
other language and the source was not commented in German. I think
that somebody who isn't lazy will try to get information even on a
non-German/English webpage.