Nasty little fish
Had to post this up it was posted up in one of my tropical fish forums, and makes for gruesome reading. If you are of a nervous disposition you may want to pass this post by...
***You have been warned***
I thought it was a myth
The Candiria catfish lives on blood. It is a pencil thin transparent animal that grows from one to six inches in length and lives much of it's existence crawling through the muddy bottom of Amazonian rivers and tributaries. With it's gill spines and teeth, it spends most of it's time attaching itself underneath the gills of larger fish. There it inflates it's gill spines and lodges itself within, rasping away at the delicate membranes and drinking it's fill until the host goes belly up and the candiria, now gorged, swims down to the bottom or off in search of other prey.
Now, here's the good part. The Candiria catfish, being blind and somewhat primitive overall, relies on it's refined sense of smell to find sources of food. Like the shark, it can follow the trail of blood in the water. In addition to tracing blood, the candiru has urinophillic tendencies which allow it to follow the trail of urine to it's prey -- any prey of any size
Primitive and blind as the Candiria is, it's lust for blood often allows it to confuse the opening of the human p***s or v****a for a juicy fish gill. Wired as it is, the candiru often makes a quick and fatal decision to swim upstream in it's search for a blood gorged membrane upon which to feed. Due to it's small size, a woman may not see the fish as it enters until it well hidden, therefore she may end up feeling the pain of a Candiria infestation without knowing why. A man is not so fortunate for on him the urethra is the front door. Because there is no intermediary space to check in bags, the initial shock of pain is usually accompanied by the sight of this wriggling fish crashing the gates. With advance warning, this unfortunate man -- possibly the most unfortunate man in all the world -- begins crying and vainly trying to grab the wriggling tail fins of the catfish as it inches it's way up his urethra to the blood source. At this point, two things prevent successful removal of the fish: one being the slick coating of mucus filming the fish body; the other
the same mechanism that allows the candiru to attach to the gills of a maniacally swimming fish opens up like an umbrella within the urethra. Barbs on the ends of these gills dig into the urethral wall and as one can imagine; there is probably a frantic, horrifying tug o' war between this pain-maddened human and what is essentially a kidney stone with a brain. Predation ensues after the battle is lost and as the little fish disappears into the p***s, the choice is inevitably reduced to which sort of excrutiating ordeal you choose to make of your end. A man thus afflicted in the wilds of the Brazillian Amazon must either do the castration or let the fish continue to creep in. Within minutes, the time for making decisions is over.
Now free of resistance from the outside world, the fish wriggles and digs it's way up this scented golden trail until it finds Candiria Valhalla. This is the wall of your bladder; the blood engorged membrane of all the candiru's primitive hopes and dreams. Ignorant of the screams and mad dancing going on in the outer world, it positions itself and begins slashing away with spines and teeth at everything within reach. Blood pours out of every opening the Candiru makes and if the slashing attack of the Candiria breaches an artery, the human prey be it woman or man, will suffer the swift agony found in an uncontrollable bleed out. Considering the source of entry, this will most likely not be a pretty way to die. If the candiru doesn't die of drowning in an excess of food, it will earn it's reputation as the Vampire Fish of Brazil. Happily it will live in there, spreading perotinitis throughout the human host due to the close proximity of open wounds to the muddy waste output of a fish that is suckling and s******g out your own digested insides.
Life for the Candiria doesn't get any better than this...
Needless to say one of those fish will not be making its way anywhere near my Aquarium..
And yes I read this same post with my legs tightly crossed..
Other people have reported that when men swim in these lakes and rivers they always wear a condom, this stops any nasty from entering where it shouldn't..
Hope you enjoyed reading that..It was kinda interesting in a weird way..and no human or fish were hurt in the compiling of this post..