Skybuck Flying
A lot of design choises are based on information and experience, but
I am interested in this since all new games use it and otherwise I dont know
what these games are talking about etc...
I'll be like: "huh? what the **** is all that shit ?"
(pixel shaders
this, vertex shaders that, program fragments, vertex arrays, etc )
Also before one can start programming all this "shit" one has to know the
concepts behind it, otherwise I would have no idea wtf I am doing =D
Besides from that... I think these concepts can also be manually programmed
in any language... or one's favorite language to just try out these concepts
and 'render' some image, just to see if it would work... it wouldn't have to
be fast... and it probably wouldn't be fast anyway... but then.. once the
concept is understood, programmed and tested... the concept can be
programmed and applied to the gpu.
Maybe that's a lot of work... or maybe not... but it could be simpler. And I
like to keep things simply most of the time.
Seeing those hardware languages is scary shit... (it's cool, but not
something I would like to use on a frequently basis
) nowadays these
gpu's have higher level shading languages... but that's all new... and it's
not in my favorite programming language

Well at least software rendering works. Especially if the game itself wrote
it... It could have used non-direct x and non opengl and just gdi.
GDI still works on windows 95. Windows 95 default does not have direct x. I
do think windows 95 default does have opengl.
I am not sure what windows nt has...
I do know that windows 98, and windows xp have some kind of direct x
That's another issue game developers face... making sure that uses have the
right <- big issue direct x version.
DirectX in itself is buggy, though, hard, wrong documentation examples, etc.
Give and take a little
I can see why id software likes to use open gl...
<- it works
even on
windows 95 !
Though I have used open gl for drawing a 2d vector game =D and the funny
thing is... when lines are drawn with opengl the lines sometimes have gaps
in them... so opengl software/drivers/hardware isn't perfect. It's probably
inconsistent. That can be an adventage and disadvantage...
When having programmed a game with a software renderer... the chances are
very high that it will always display the same. The only thing that can be
different is gamma/brightness.
With opengl or direct x a game can suddenly look better or worse on such
graphic cards.. sometimes the game might not work at all !
So maybe I am seeing a total different kind of gamer... not your typical
hardcore gamer that has the lastest hardware and the latest drivers and the
latest direct x and the latest operating system.
I am seeing simple people that have a simple computer =D have a simple
computer mind lol... and just also want to play some simple or little bit
more complex fun games.
For me as a developer it makes more sense to try and develop a fun game for
everybody... not just for the hardcore gamer. I can't compete with that.
I can't compete with game developers that are supported by nvidia or ati =D
I can't compete with people that have years of experience with graphics lol.
So as long as I want my game to work on even windows 95 and have no
graphical artifacts I stuck to gdi =D
gdi however is pretty limited... it's 10x maybe 100x slower... it can only
draw lines, circles and polygons and pixels via scanlines.
I did include opengl option... so the game could use opengl... but then when
developing the game further... i through it out again because of missing
font capabilities... gdi was more easy... it as a simple textout api
maybe that's stupid since opengl has text as well...
But also the opengl screen ratio/perspective was a bit weird, I did not
understand it... horz vs vert. When the game would be resized everything
became smaller which is not really a problem, but then when the screen went
width big, height small everything would look squashed.
With gdi... no resizing is done... it could do that... but I dont want
that... it just cuts of the screen.
But now I have this simple 2d vector game with arrows flying around... it
uses simple polygon graphics.
I would be cool if I could do lighting effects like quake 1 did... I am not
sure if that is even possible in gdi...
I could use some sort of bitmap... like a phong shading map thing... and
then try to make it transparent etc... then it would be applied to simply
everything... it would look bad I think and totally unrealistic but it's an
unrealistic game anyway.
So what do these gpu's have to offer for unrealistic games ?
All these gpu's are focused/aimed at creating somewhat realistic
scenes/believeable scenes...
Sure someone can say: Nonono rpg's aren't realistic... because it has
fairies in them and witches and devils =D
But it sure looks more realistic ! =D
Whatever happened to games that look unrealistic ?
I do know that nintendo is trying to make a mario game with I think vector
graphics... paper mario I think it's called.
Just to piss people off: Can today's pc gpu's do that ? or is their
functionality totally limited to realistic graphics ?
Just to be fair I don't like nintendo games generally since I am a 'grown
believe it or not... and nintendo games are pretty stupid in my
mind... way to simple... yet I never play them so what do I know =D
I do know one thing... when I played "moonbase commander" a sigh of relief
went through my mind and body ! AHHHhhhhhh finally a game with authentic and
refreshing graphics ! ( no 3d, just 2d with special effects I think... )
I would like to see more of those games with "refreshing" graphics and not
just another shooters, rpg, rts, platformer with standard 3d graphics.
Doom 3 will be refreshing because it's one of the first games with all that
"new stuff": "The plastic look": "The white specular thing" "The 3d
bumpmapping effect" "very detailed beautifully mixed colored textures" The
shadows itself for so far I have seen don't really do it for me... the add a
little bit of extra realism to it... like seeing the shadow of some pipe on
a wall... I dont really miss it if it's not there. In fact if somebody asked
me what do you miss in this scene ? I would not even know that their is a
shadow missing
=D The steam doesn't look realistic, neither do the
particles from the machines. I think that could have been done better
Now just having all these nice pretty spectacular new graphics if course not
enough... the main reason to play doom3 is what do you do with these
graphics ?! how much fun is the game ! that's where I expect doom3 to rock
everybodies socks off =D Just hearing all the sounds is enough to make you
come back to the game to experience it again ! Nothing like that on the face
of the planet ! =D Seeing, hearing how the sound interacts with you is
definetly something that adds to the game ! =D Zombies trying to whipe you
when you run past them...
soldiers screaming at you... monsters trying to
take a bite out of you =D A player needs to get used to that... the more
players play it.. the more it's going to grow on them and making them love
it =D
Now as great as all this sounds... It took 3 or maybe 4 years to develop
this ?! with a team of people that is !
Even if I would start developing such a 'beast' it would again cost me 3 to
4 years maybe more maybe less with help
So in short: "I would be out of my ****ing mind if I would attempt something
like that =D"
Butttt... I do like playing around with it a bit... the concepts... maybe
some code... maybe trying out some things... and who knows maybe some
litttttle tiny little bit of piece could be used =D
Bye, Bye,
sometimes just trying shit is the only way to "click" new information into
the existing framework of experience.. if That Guy is interested in GPU
programming (why else would he hang around here asking these questions?) I
recommend he tries some GPU programming, it's easy & fun.. and get
impressive results really easily.![]()
I am interested in this since all new games use it and otherwise I dont know
what these games are talking about etc...
I'll be like: "huh? what the **** is all that shit ?"

this, vertex shaders that, program fragments, vertex arrays, etc )
Also before one can start programming all this "shit" one has to know the
concepts behind it, otherwise I would have no idea wtf I am doing =D
Besides from that... I think these concepts can also be manually programmed
in any language... or one's favorite language to just try out these concepts
and 'render' some image, just to see if it would work... it wouldn't have to
be fast... and it probably wouldn't be fast anyway... but then.. once the
concept is understood, programmed and tested... the concept can be
programmed and applied to the gpu.
Maybe that's a lot of work... or maybe not... but it could be simpler. And I
like to keep things simply most of the time.
Seeing those hardware languages is scary shit... (it's cool, but not
something I would like to use on a frequently basis

gpu's have higher level shading languages... but that's all new... and it's
not in my favorite programming language

MUCH easier than software rendering days, much... and things work a hell of
a lot better "out of the box" novadays than just 4-5 years ago! Biggest
problem is getting started.. maybe he'll ask about that.. if not.. I assume
he is already doing whatever he likes to do..
Well at least software rendering works. Especially if the game itself wrote
it... It could have used non-direct x and non opengl and just gdi.
GDI still works on windows 95. Windows 95 default does not have direct x. I
do think windows 95 default does have opengl.
I am not sure what windows nt has...
I do know that windows 98, and windows xp have some kind of direct x
That's another issue game developers face... making sure that uses have the
right <- big issue direct x version.
DirectX in itself is buggy, though, hard, wrong documentation examples, etc.
Give and take a little

I can see why id software likes to use open gl...

windows 95 !
Though I have used open gl for drawing a 2d vector game =D and the funny
thing is... when lines are drawn with opengl the lines sometimes have gaps
in them... so opengl software/drivers/hardware isn't perfect. It's probably
inconsistent. That can be an adventage and disadvantage...
When having programmed a game with a software renderer... the chances are
very high that it will always display the same. The only thing that can be
different is gamma/brightness.
With opengl or direct x a game can suddenly look better or worse on such
graphic cards.. sometimes the game might not work at all !
So maybe I am seeing a total different kind of gamer... not your typical
hardcore gamer that has the lastest hardware and the latest drivers and the
latest direct x and the latest operating system.
I am seeing simple people that have a simple computer =D have a simple
computer mind lol... and just also want to play some simple or little bit
more complex fun games.
For me as a developer it makes more sense to try and develop a fun game for
everybody... not just for the hardcore gamer. I can't compete with that.
I can't compete with game developers that are supported by nvidia or ati =D
I can't compete with people that have years of experience with graphics lol.
So as long as I want my game to work on even windows 95 and have no
graphical artifacts I stuck to gdi =D
gdi however is pretty limited... it's 10x maybe 100x slower... it can only
draw lines, circles and polygons and pixels via scanlines.
I did include opengl option... so the game could use opengl... but then when
developing the game further... i through it out again because of missing
font capabilities... gdi was more easy... it as a simple textout api

maybe that's stupid since opengl has text as well...
But also the opengl screen ratio/perspective was a bit weird, I did not
understand it... horz vs vert. When the game would be resized everything
became smaller which is not really a problem, but then when the screen went
width big, height small everything would look squashed.
With gdi... no resizing is done... it could do that... but I dont want
that... it just cuts of the screen.
But now I have this simple 2d vector game with arrows flying around... it
uses simple polygon graphics.
I would be cool if I could do lighting effects like quake 1 did... I am not
sure if that is even possible in gdi...
I could use some sort of bitmap... like a phong shading map thing... and
then try to make it transparent etc... then it would be applied to simply
everything... it would look bad I think and totally unrealistic but it's an
unrealistic game anyway.
So what do these gpu's have to offer for unrealistic games ?

All these gpu's are focused/aimed at creating somewhat realistic
scenes/believeable scenes...
Sure someone can say: Nonono rpg's aren't realistic... because it has
fairies in them and witches and devils =D
But it sure looks more realistic ! =D
Whatever happened to games that look unrealistic ?

I do know that nintendo is trying to make a mario game with I think vector
graphics... paper mario I think it's called.
Just to piss people off: Can today's pc gpu's do that ? or is their
functionality totally limited to realistic graphics ?
Just to be fair I don't like nintendo games generally since I am a 'grown

mind... way to simple... yet I never play them so what do I know =D
I do know one thing... when I played "moonbase commander" a sigh of relief
went through my mind and body ! AHHHhhhhhh finally a game with authentic and
refreshing graphics ! ( no 3d, just 2d with special effects I think... )
I would like to see more of those games with "refreshing" graphics and not
just another shooters, rpg, rts, platformer with standard 3d graphics.
Doom 3 will be refreshing because it's one of the first games with all that
"new stuff": "The plastic look": "The white specular thing" "The 3d
bumpmapping effect" "very detailed beautifully mixed colored textures" The
shadows itself for so far I have seen don't really do it for me... the add a
little bit of extra realism to it... like seeing the shadow of some pipe on
a wall... I dont really miss it if it's not there. In fact if somebody asked
me what do you miss in this scene ? I would not even know that their is a
shadow missing

particles from the machines. I think that could have been done better

Now just having all these nice pretty spectacular new graphics if course not
enough... the main reason to play doom3 is what do you do with these
graphics ?! how much fun is the game ! that's where I expect doom3 to rock
everybodies socks off =D Just hearing all the sounds is enough to make you
come back to the game to experience it again ! Nothing like that on the face
of the planet ! =D Seeing, hearing how the sound interacts with you is
definetly something that adds to the game ! =D Zombies trying to whipe you
when you run past them...

take a bite out of you =D A player needs to get used to that... the more
players play it.. the more it's going to grow on them and making them love
it =D
Now as great as all this sounds... It took 3 or maybe 4 years to develop
this ?! with a team of people that is !
Even if I would start developing such a 'beast' it would again cost me 3 to
4 years maybe more maybe less with help

So in short: "I would be out of my ****ing mind if I would attempt something
like that =D"
Butttt... I do like playing around with it a bit... the concepts... maybe
some code... maybe trying out some things... and who knows maybe some
litttttle tiny little bit of piece could be used =D
Bye, Bye,