CPU or Mobo first?

ok CPU question...
which core is better, Winchester or Venice ?
they are both +3500
oh and that newegg deal is almost over :D its a clawhammer i think there good but your right its a 754 socket Hmm was you gonna go with that mobo me said?
Venice Benchmark slightly higher than the Winchesters - but there also more expensive

They say the 939 socket will be more suited to the newer Venice core, more future proof


I was fairly cheesed off as when i purchased my 3200 Winchester it was only a week later they decided to move the goal posts and bring this new Core into the Mix.

Ahhh well thats hardware for you; changing more than we change our socks!
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the venice core is newer, it has SSE3 extensions (what ever that is) so it is supposed to be faster
My advice is just pick your components and Commit to buy, if you don't you will never have a working machine because the latest and greatest only lasts a couple of weeks and its replaced by a newer model...

No such thing as future proofing anymore....So don't even go there...;)

Unless you want to replace the major Components in your machine every 3 months you have no chance of keeping up with new technology....:(
hey BaseLine9 there no that much more expensive, as i found one on Newegg for about $15 more!

And Crazylegs, there is no way i can keep up with techonlogy in the first place ! :D

CS- the mobo you recommened was a PCI-E, remeber? :) cant use it unless i sell off my current video card
Alf said:
CS- the mobo you recommened was a PCI-E, remeber? :) cant use it unless i sell off my current video card

I meat the mobo Me_2001 said :-P i know the one i suggested was pci and i recommended a 939 socket as well :D just curious on what mobo u was getting :D and i bought 200 cdr from newegg 14.99 for yellow green ones :D and blue one :D

14.99 for 100 may of misslead some :-P
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nForce 4 mobo is out of the question as they only have PCI-E
so im going to get a VIA motherboard that support 939pins and AGP, so im looking for something good :D
also thats a very good deal there!!