Rod Speed
That's what I said earlier.
And you had no basis for that claim UNTIL you had your nose rubbed
in the FACT that chkdsk can be run without the F switch to determine
whether the MFT is getting corrupted by other than a reboot.
I just told you that running chkdsk without an
F is useless because it gives false information.
LIar. And you havent established that it 'gives
false information' when the F switch isnt used.
I gave you one example of how it says
that the volume is corrupt yet it wasnt,
Irrelevant to whether its quite adequate to determine whether
you are getting MFT corruption at other than reboot time.
and one example of how it says the volume
is not corrupt yet it is when I rebooted.
Doesnt prove that it wasnt the reboot that produced the corruption, fool.
Therefore "it wasnt possible to run chkdsk to determine
whether corruption was occurring during normal ops"
Pity that claim is STILL a pig ignorant lie.
That's why you deliberately distort what I say.
Lying, as always.
You do not have a desire to help,
Have fun explaining how come I listed for you how to
TEST the various possibilitys of what is corrupting the
MFT, particularly with the most important possibility of
that being due to the hardware or your ****ed OS install.
And if that test shows that its the ****ed OS install and
not a hardware problem, how to try a migration of those
apps to XP using the wizard which again would require a
minimal amount of effort to see if that will fix the problem.
you just like "rubbing my nose" into your misinterpretations of what I say.
Presumably you actually are that stupid/bone headed.
No surprise that you got the bums rush from you last paid employment.
I never said you can't run chkdsk other than boot time.
Yes you did.
I said you can't run chkdsk with an F to determine
whether there is a corrupt disk when Win2K is running.
And you havent even established that claim even
now, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.
You need to pay closer attention to what I say.
Nope, it remains pig ignorant mindless silly shit and lies no
matter how closely attention is paid to it as this pathetic
excuse for bullshit and lies of yours above proves in spades.
I just showed you that running chkdsk other than at
boot time will not tell you if the MFT gets corrupted.
No you didnt, ALL you did is prove to the world that you have
never ever had a ****ing clue about anything at all, ever.
Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed by now that
only kony and I are even bothering with you at all. Presumably
everyone else who actually has a clue has decided that you are
such a terminal bone head that you're a complete waste of time.
Looks like even kony has given up on you now too.
Once again you do not know what you are talking about.
Bet I do.
When I bought the Enermax DynaBacker I asked the head of tech
support whether Directron knew if it would work properly. He said
it was a new product for Directron, so I told him to include a clause
in my invoice that stipulated that I could return it for a full cash refund
anytime within 1 year, which is the normal Directron warranty period.
When I started getting corrupt NTFS volumes with the DynaBacker I
contacted the Product Line Manager (PLM) at Enermax in California,
who is the importer/distributor. He told me to contact the PLM at
Enermax in Taiwan. He also gave me the link to the website of the OEM
who makes the unit, a company also in Taiwan not affiliated with Enermax.
I contacted the PLM at Enermax in Taiwan and she told me she
was involved with the development of the unit. She told me that
she was going to take the information I gave her and fix the problem.
And when she couldnt reproduce the problem, presumably
she decided that the problem must be with your system,
and it turns out that the problem actually is with your system.
In the meantime I took a look at the OEM's website and saw
that it was the company who developed the unit. The software
on the website was identical to the software that came with
the unit. I wrote them twice but no one responded.
Presumably they realised you are a terminal bonehead right from
the start and filed your crap in the round filing cabinet where it belongs.
Then after several exchanges of information with the PLM at Enermax
Taiwan she informs me that they are not going to fix anything. That
was the last I heard from her. I called Enermax in California and
talked to the Sales Manager and he told me I could return the unit.
I then called the head of tech support at Directron and he in turn called
Enermax California. Then he called me and advised me to return the unit
for a full cash refund because he found out that Enermax is thinking
about dropping the product. I returned the unit and got a full refund.
Later I discovered that Directron dropped the unit from its product
offering, that Enermax California also dropped the unit from its
product offering, and that Enermax Taiwan also dropped the unit from
its product offering and that the OEM website disappeared altogether.
So much for getting the bum's rush.
I didnt make that comment about that particular fiasco, fool.
No such thing happened.
Bet it did from your last paid employment.
You have lost all credibility.
You never ever had a shred of that. Thats likely another reason you got the bums rush.