BigBadger said:
Noozer said:
Uhm... If you touch somthing and it feels warm/hot then it IS
conducting heat and putting a sink on it will help keep it cool.
Depending on how you mean this, this is either very true or complete

Something "feels hot" if it conducts heat to your
hands/foot/whatever. In other words, the material you're touching is hotter
than your hand. However, this does not imply anything about how the material
is conducting heat to other destinations. For example, consider the
following system:
Ice ----- ceramic ----- copper bar ----- heat source
0 deg C ----- 18.8 deg C/W ----- 0.2 deg C/W ----- 200 deg C
(just making up numbers here). If you touch the copper bar, it will feel
hot, and you will get burnt. However, the bar will be conducting very little
heat. Why? Well., the total thermal resistance from the source to the water
is 20 deg C/W. So for the 200 deg C temperature delta, you get 10W of heat
flowing through the system. Hence at 0.2 deg C/W, the left had side of the
copper bar will be 200 - 2 = 198 deg C (with a linear gradient along it).
An somewhat related fact ... you can carry around shuttle heatshield plates
that are at close to 1000 deg C (internally) with your bare hands. They're
very hot, but their thermal resistance is so high that, after an initial
(very short) period where the top fraction of a mm cools, essentially no
heat is conducted to your hands (ie: you don't get burnt). I had an awesome
picture of this being demonstrated but I can't seem to find it any more.
However, at
There is the quote:
"Surface heat dissipates so quickly that a tile can be held by its corners
with a bare hand only seconds after removal from a 2,300 degrees F oven,
while the center of the tile still glows red with heat."
So, getting back to the topic

, If you touch thte substrate and it feels
hot, then all you can say is that the material is hot. if the temperature is
close to the source temperature, then this implies that there's a higher
thermal resistance to a heat sink compared to the resistance to the heat
yeah, everything conducts heat to some extent but not everything is a
'good conductor'..... Athlon XP's (which is what we are referring to)
do not have ceramic substrates. The substrate on an XP is some form
of resin, while I accept does conduct heat it does not do it very
The thermal conductivity of the packaging is quite complex, since it's a
layered material, and each layer is actually broken up into a number of
areas by the tracing. The vertical thermal resistance should be fairly high
as there are quite a few interfaces that it needs to pass through, and a lot
of the distance travelled is through substrate. I suspect the horizontal
thermal resistance would be quite high as well, since a lot of the copper
groundplate in in a honeycomb form, and the traces are quite small. See
(warning: link contains a graphic image of a mutilated CPU)
for details.
I'd hazard a guess that it conducts orders of magnitude less
well than the copper/aluminium of the heatsink that is in direct
contact with the CPU and therefore the quantity of heat that would
take the substrate>shim>heatsink path in favour of the easier direct
path to the heatsink is very very small.
The rough back-of-the-envelope calculations I did before showed that,
assuming the entire temperature difference was due to conduction through the
shim as opposed to improved mounting, the thermal resistance of the shim
path would have to be around 2.5 deg C/W (as opposed to about 0.6 deg C/W
for the direct path). This is the die->water thermal resistance btw. IMO
this is unlikely, so at least some of the difference would have come through
mounting improvements. Whether this was due to poor initial mounting or
general improved mounting due to the shim is not possible to say without
doing a few more remountings.