cooling Seagate eSATA external HDs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Timothy Daniels
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Floyd said:
Ben Myers wrote

Yeah, it's always a joy to see Speedles explode when he's been beaten
and make a complete fool of himself.
He'd make an excellent study case for upcoming psychiatrists.

Actually, Roddels' doctor is a proctologist - hired to get that
arm out of Roddels' ass (after he gets Roddels' head out of
that ass). You see, Roddels is just a sock puppet that is kept
on the shelf along with more than half a dozen other sock
puppets when they're not in use by a very mentally-challenged
pensioner. "Stretch" and his fake mis-spellings are just this
person's latest rectal eruptions.

Timothy Daniels wrote in news:[email protected]
Actually, Roddels' doctor is a proctologist - hired to get that
arm out of Roddels' ass (after he gets Roddels' head out of
that ass). You see, Roddels is just a sock puppet that is kept
on the shelf along with more than half a dozen other sock
puppets when they're not in use by a very mentally-challenged
pensioner. "Stretch" and his fake mis-spellings are just this
person's latest rectal eruptions.

Is that so, Timmy. Interesting. How's that mirror doing for you.
Floyd said:
Is that so, Timmy. Interesting. How's that mirror doing for you.

And "Floyd" and "Stretch" have the pattern and the punch of a
wet paper bag with the same hand up its arse..

Stretch said:
Rod Speed wrote in

Which they won't, to the degree that is necessary to make good contact
over a larger area. Only the metal between the screwhead and the (ho-
pefully) machined flat mounting hole will be making contact and only if
the screw is thightened to the extend that the (hopefully softmetal)
rail deforms to the shape of the drive's side around the mounting hole.
For that you must probably use more force than the drive's mounting
instructions allow.
(And pity the drives that are mounted through the bottom holes). With
the afore mentioned Coolmax CD-311 the drive is mounted (through the
sides) in the extruded bottom halve of the enclosure which (presumably)
is of hardened aluminum. The top halve is then slided onto the bottom hal-
ve which again doesn't make for very good contact with the bottom halve.


Hello, Folkert:

Tsk, tsk, your English is atrocious, at times! You really shouldn't be so
hard on Arno Wagner, therefore. :-P

Here are my corrections, to your above paragraphs:

tightened (was, "thightened")

soft metal (was, "softmetal")

aforementioned (was, "afore mentioned")

half (was, "halve")

slid (was, "slided")

Also, when hyphenating words, they must be divided by syllables, such as:

hope-fully (was, "ho-pefully")

Last, but not least, a single-syllable word >cannot< be hyphenated, at all:

halve (was, "hal-ve").

Okay, now, class is dismissed! <g>

John Turco <[email protected]>
John Turco said:
Stretch said:
Hello, Folkert:

Tsk, tsk, your English is atrocious, at times! You really shouldn't be so
hard on Arno Wagner, therefore. :-P

Here are my corrections, to your above paragraphs:

You missed "extend" [should have been "extent"]. :-)
Rod/Folkert/Stretch/Joe/et. al. sleep on the same shelf
with kukuburos (to the extent that sock puppets can sleep).
<hee, hee>
