Cool Web Search "Shredder" Update 03/12/03

  • Thread starter Thread starter siljaline
  • Start date Start date news group, Mad Max
Stick this in your corncob pipe and smoke it. Do not judge , lest ye be
judged. Like so many claiming to be what your handle claims, you are narrow
minded , judgmental and about as far as one that claims to be a Christian
,can be. Don't flaunt it if you aint got it.

Did I miss something here? How do you get "claims to be a Christian"
from HillBillyBuddhist? You are aware, I hope, that Buddhism is not a
Christian religion?

I understand the problem that Google has, its the same as we all have , and
there is little or nothing we can do about it, for now.

Google does not have a problem.
Simple fact! If you were infected while surfing the I'net, you would HAVE
HAD TO click on something to cause it to download.

BTW, your "I'm not blaming Google" comment seems to contradict your other
posts somewhat.
No-one is worshipping Google, it just happens to be the most efficient and
fastest search-engine currently available.
Mad said:
You don't know what you are talking about!

I know that you didn't get a BHO, two viruses and a trojan horse from

You probably got the Trojan Horse in Troy. Instead of blaming Google
blame it on Helen, she's the one who started all of this...

Mad Max said:
Stick this in your corncob pipe and smoke it.

--------------delusional rant snipped-------------------

Hardly worth responding to other than to say;

A) I'm sorry, obviously what has happened is that all the others who posted
in response to your obviously incorrect and misleading statement and the
billions of people world wide who use Google everyday and never experience
the problems attribute to Google are obviously wrong and you alone stand
correct. (see there is no shame in being wrong, happens to everybody now and

B) Based on the way you interact with others the problems you are having are
likely the result of your Karma.

I won't even comment on the mentality it takes to turn a simple correction
of misstated "fact" into a personal attack on an individuals spiritual

It's obvious you suffer greatly. I'll say a prayer..
Since you appear to have problems when using your PC why not donate it to
someone who knows how to use it.

FACT you did not get CoolWebSearch or any other parasite or virus by accessing
Google. Grow up and just accept the fact that you are wrong and don't have a
clue what you're talking about.
Google is a search engine, a giant database of websites. It does not know
what content is on the website, nor does it care. It simple gives you what
*you* ask for. It reccomends sites based on what you ask it to search for.
These databases are created by "bots", programs that "go out" and find
websites based on keywords in the websites code. If some jacka$$ put
keywords in his website code saying its a xp tutorial and its really a virus
ridden website that is not googles fault. They don't know what is on the
site, they simply log its name and description offered by the author of the
website. Many sites out there are bad, you just happened to get a bad one.
If Mapquest gives you directions thru a bad neighborhood and you get car
jacked, you can't blame mapquest. Same as you can't blame google, they just
suggested where to go. The author of the malicious site is the one you
blame, if you must blame someone.
Possibly you need to read my message again. I simply asked Google to find
tutorials for Windows XP. I know exactly what happened after that. You're
saying that Google cannot be blamed , because I should have specified that I
did not want any viruses, any Trojan Horses , or any Home page Hijackers
included . I see.
Lets say I did specify that. Would Google then be to blame ?
Couldn't really follow your rant because it was mixed in with Hillbillies
and mine. But, I have used Popup Stopper, for a short time and was not
impressed. The cure was worse than the disease.
To clear up one thing-- at the time I became so infected I was not using as
many prevention tools as now.
Concerning what you want to call " my logic " exactly what was the point you
were trying to make ? Possibly that you too hold the opinion that a virus
must be intentionally downloaded in order to become infected ?
Your statement that " Google has no problem" . Would you care to revise that
? Oh, I forgot. Google bears no responsibility for providing . It must then
be totally the fault of anyone taking their advice. I suppose you use that
same logic when you give advice.
Reminds me of a credit checking bureau that defamed me. They also took no
responsibility for their report, even though the report had numerous errors
and even a blind man could see that I was not the individual in question.
Only the names were the same, nothing else.
My lawyer convinced them that they did have legal responsibility and I had
legal recourse .The report was quickly revised.
Must be a full moon tonight.

Well, this was a fun's my unsolicited 2 cents:
Google is the best search engine available and not responsible for any virus
or trojan. Virtually any search criteria will result in an abundance of
'hits.' An "XP Tutorial" could mask anything the author intends. I do
agree that merely going to a site can download things to your machine that
you do not "click on" or want. Case in point, I got Comet Cursor by going
to a site on it can happen. BUT, this was long ago and
I have since learned that there are ways to avoid this sort of thing, i.e.
adware/spyware/crapware blockers, proper use of a WRITE PROTECTED Hosts
file, antivirus program(s), etc.
Before you click on a site listed in the results of a Google search, hover
your pointer over the link and take a look at the http:// at the bottom of
your screen. You may (or may not) be surprised to see that there may be
something different from your intended goal.....
Oh yeah, Microsoft doesn't send out emails announcing updates or critical
fixes and the last time I checked.....there is a tutorial on XP that comes
with the OS and a dandy Help feature. <g>
Heirloom, old and likes Google
Well , congratulations. First time I've seen anything from you that was not
My entire point was that I was infected with numerous things after selecting
a place that Google recommended. I am totally amazed that so many chose to
blame me for going to that recommended place and claimed that Google had
absolutely nothing to do with me being sent there.
Concerning my statements about religion , I don't usually comment on that,
however you choose to stick it out there and advertise the fact. I am fully
aware that you do not claim to be a Christian and I really do not care what
you choose to be. Buddhists like Christians and Jews and Moslems,for all I
know, all believe in treating others with respect. Hypocrisy has no place in
any religion . In your replies to others you reply to them as you did to me.
Without respect or even indulgence. If you push , expect to get pushed back.
You are just used to cutting people down and expect them to take it. What
kind of mentality does that take. You should take the time to read what is
included in your message, the canned part. Do I believe that is an accident
or is it laced with venom on purpose ?
By the way , exactly what was incorrect and misleading about my statement ?
I stated exactly what happened and how it happened.
Nothing incorrect or misleading about that. Apparently you perceived
something that was not there. I stated the facts and was immediately told
that it was my fault entirely. I am willing to accept blame for my own
mistakes, but not for the mistakes of others, even if it is a sacred cow
such as Google. Oh, I forgot , Google is perfect.
You might have a problem convincing true believing Christians that Google is
perfect, since in their eyes this cannot be true.

If you do nothing else , answer this single question . Is it your opinion
that I am lying about what I claim happened ? If so just spit it out! Read
what I said before you answer, please, just so there is no possibility that
you misunderstood. In case you haven't noticed I have stood by my original
statement and not wavered.
Either it happened as I said , or I am lying. Which is it, in your opinion
of course. And if I am not telling a bald faced lie, what then? Guess that
makes you wrong , doesn't it. As you said, everybody makes
mistakes----except Google of course.

Mad Max
Well Mike:
Since you had a suggestion about what I should do with my PC, I feel
obligated to tell you what you can do with yours. By the way your "facts"
are not supported by facts.
I have gradually arrived at the conclusion that you have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.
BTW, why are you posting to so many NGs?

I will try once more.

No, you can't blame Google. It is purely a search engine and just looks for
a word or words that match your query.
It's obvious you haven't spent much time meditating on this, or even
bothering to explore Google's options.

If you had, and clicked on Advanced Search, you would have seen a little box
that says "Filter using Safe Search." Did you check that box?
Obviously not, as that eliminates most porn links. Aw, gee, now I've made
you look stupid.

You also said you used Popup Stopper. Did I say that? No. I said Popup
Stopper Pro (which resides on IE Taskbar, complete with over-riding
options). Try reading thoroughly next time before you reply.
I'm glad to see you weren't impressed, but curious as to why you didn't
bother to expand on which aspects didn't impress you.
Oh, I forgot. You haven't bothered to try Popup Stopper Pro.

And once again, read before replying & don't try to put words in my mouth.
If you bother to read again, you will note that I didn't say anything about
INTENTIONALLY downloading in order to become infected.
I did say "you would HAVE HAD TO click on SOMETHING to cause it to download.
And that's not an opinion - that's a FACT.
You must be wrong. You cannot possibly know what you are talking about . You
should immediately give your PC to someone who knows how to use it. You are
using unsafe practices. You must be a total and complete liar. Liar! Liar!
Liar! Google is perfect . You speak blasphemy, You heretic. Did I miss
anything ?
Oh yeah, Poo on you.
Sorry about the rant, but I couldn't resist, since it seems to be the
generally held opinion that I am a liar, because what I said could not
possibly have occurred as I claim.
A warning ! You have placed yourself on the side of the heretic and will
suffer the wrath of the true believers. Google is God.

Mad Max
Sorry MadMax, but, you have done it have chosen to spar with
one of the gurus. Mr. Maltby may not be in 'first place' when it comes to
dispensing factual information, but, he is way ahead of whatever is in
second. What he offered was, in fact, FACT. You did not get CWS, a
parasite or virus by accessing Google....that took place when you stepped
outside of the domain.
Mike does not need defending....his reputation in the NG speaks for itself,
however, I felt obligated to comment based on the many times that he has
helped me.....not to mention countless others....with timely and FACTUAL
information. I don't doubt that you contracted some nasties and I don't
doubt that Google was your first step toward that end, but, you can't blame
Google for what happens when you leave......that would be tantamount to
blaming the "Dewey Dismal" system for checking out a bad book from the
Heirloom, old and going to bed now
Google is a search engine. Do you know how many hundreds of millions if
not billions of pages and web sites are on the internet? Are you saying
that Google should check all of these sites to make sure that none are
malicious? Do you know how search engines work? What you're saying is
like blaming Rand McNally because you took a road and got lost or you
got a flat on a piece of glass. What you're trying to say makes no
sense, it's regrettable that you got a virus or other bad things but it
has nothing to do with google. Use any search engine and you'll get the
same kind of good and bad stuff (hits) that Google gives you. Google
shows you what if finds based on your query, what you do with it is your
responsibility. If you can't use Google you better stay clear of
astalavista, you'll end up so far deep in the warez jungle it'll take
you ten years to come back out.

heirloom wrote:

and the last time I checked.....there is a tutorial on XP that comes
with the OS and a dandy Help feature.

And if one needs more and they are paranoid about Google they can just
go to microsoft directly and there are pages and pages of information.

"give my PC to someone who knows how to use it???" Odd, as I recall from
prior posts, 'tis you with the problem, mine has been working just dandy for
No, Google is not perfect, but, it is the best for its' intended purpose.
You really should get a good dictionary.....some of your terms do not apply,
i.e. there is no 'blasphemy' in my post and I am not a 'heretic and I never
called you a liar, in fact, I agreed with some of your statements.
I have had my say and you, yours. Further instigation on your part will be
I wish you well in your endeavors to find an XP tutorial, even though one
resides on your computer, you probably won't find one in an MeOS NG. duh.
Heirloom, old and have an Me tutorial, if you
need it
Mad said:
My entire point was that I was infected with numerous things after selecting
a place that Google recommended.

Google doesn't recommend anything, that's what you can't understand.
Google just tells you what it found. It's like panning for gold, don't
blame the pan manufacturer and the river if you end up with fool's gold.

Dear john:

You have not made me look stupid. Instead it is you that is stupid.
I am simply ignorant. I do not know everything , as you obviously do. I have
a lot to learn, as you obviously do not have anything to learn. It must be
wonderful to be so perfect.
Why am I posting to so many NGs ? I beg your forgiveness, I did not know
your permission is required to post anywhere, any time I please. I will make
a note of that and refer to it from time to time.
I suppose you are correct , I did click on things. I tried to X my way out
of them all. I used ctl/alt/del. and I admit , if you will allow, that I did
pull the plug out of the wall.
You are correct I have not used Popup Stopper Pro. I also do not buy several
hundred/thousand other things that you most likely have. Should I start
buying immediately ? Why don't you send me a list of everything I just must
have ,in order to comply with your instructions. I will put that list beside
the note with your permission to post on the places you consider me worthy
to do so.
A question comes to mind. Why would you waste your time bantering with
someone you obviously consider to be mentally inferior to yourself ? Or
maybe you are not as smart as you perceive yourself to be. Dare I say that
is a FACT !
Sorry you misunderstood me. Apparently you have not seen some of the other
posts. What I said to you was in jest. I was simply making light of what
others in this string have said or implied about me. My comments were in no
way meant for you . It was simply a joke, Okay ? And not a joke at your
expense. I hope you understand that. I've insulted enough people on purpose
here tonight and now someone I did not intend to. That's the way it goes .
When the bolder starts rolling downhill it is hard to stop.
Mad Max
Hope you are still there , and have read my most recent post to you
explaining my comments to you .
I am sorry, but however I got to where I contracted the Viruses etc. I was
sent there by Google. That is an undeniable fact and I do not care who
disagrees . It was not my intention to start this mess , but now that it is
here, I remain unrepentant in my insistence that Google was the entity who
sent me blindly into a hornets nest.
Yes, sent by google and I would not have gone there on my own.
I am sure that " Mr. Maltby " is worlds ahead of me in his knowledge
concerning computers. And I mean no disrespect to him, however, possibly it
is a matter of semantics. I say potato and he says potato. The facts are as
I stated. Google advised me to go there.
Apparently, in the eyes of some that makes me at fault. If that is the way
you see it , fine. I do not choose to accept that rendition of the truth,
or of the facts.