Paul Adare
microsoft.public.security news group, Mad Max
Did I miss something here? How do you get "claims to be a Christian"
from HillBillyBuddhist? You are aware, I hope, that Buddhism is not a
Christian religion?
Google does not have a problem.
Stick this in your corncob pipe and smoke it. Do not judge , lest ye be
judged. Like so many claiming to be what your handle claims, you are narrow
minded , judgmental and about as far as one that claims to be a Christian
,can be. Don't flaunt it if you aint got it.
Did I miss something here? How do you get "claims to be a Christian"
from HillBillyBuddhist? You are aware, I hope, that Buddhism is not a
Christian religion?
I understand the problem that Google has, its the same as we all have , and
there is little or nothing we can do about it, for now.
Google does not have a problem.