Sylvain Lafontaine
ADP are specialized Access frontend that directly connect to a SQL-Server as
the backend instead of connecting to a MDB file directly (one single file
for both the frontend and the backend) or by using ODBC linked tables to
connect to either a MDB file or a SQL-Server or both (database splitten into
a frontend/backend).
Excerpt for the difference of directly connecting to a SQL-Server - using
ADO - instead of using ODBC linked tables and passthrugh queries; the GUI
and the programming model of an ADP project is practically identical at 99%
to an ordinary Access frontend: same forms, same controls, same events and
same VBA language.
The difference is for accessing the data from the database: ADP use ADO
(instead of DAO) to directly connect to a SQL-Server and can retrieve data
directly from Views/Stored Procedures or queries that will run on the server
for the data sources of forms and controls. In the case of forms, it can
also directly update the database (following the change made by the user on
the form) even when a SP has been used as the record source for the form.
This is in contrast to a MDB file with ODBC linked tables where passthrough
queries are read-only and where queries sent to the server must be managed
first through the JET engine (ODBC linked tables).
the backend instead of connecting to a MDB file directly (one single file
for both the frontend and the backend) or by using ODBC linked tables to
connect to either a MDB file or a SQL-Server or both (database splitten into
a frontend/backend).
Excerpt for the difference of directly connecting to a SQL-Server - using
ADO - instead of using ODBC linked tables and passthrugh queries; the GUI
and the programming model of an ADP project is practically identical at 99%
to an ordinary Access frontend: same forms, same controls, same events and
same VBA language.
The difference is for accessing the data from the database: ADP use ADO
(instead of DAO) to directly connect to a SQL-Server and can retrieve data
directly from Views/Stored Procedures or queries that will run on the server
for the data sources of forms and controls. In the case of forms, it can
also directly update the database (following the change made by the user on
the form) even when a SP has been used as the record source for the form.
This is in contrast to a MDB file with ODBC linked tables where passthrough
queries are read-only and where queries sent to the server must be managed
first through the JET engine (ODBC linked tables).