diodiaus, just to throw a few cents into this, I have done in the past
extensive work with VB 6 (5,3), and have done such jobs. I don't know what a
basic sample of an ADP is so, I have to say to you, as the developer of this
to consider the basic design for a VB 6 model.
Data Access\Broker Layer: This would be a DLL encapsulating the;
-Connection Class
-Recordset Class
-Command Class
Handy if you have already constructed this DLL.
Maybe a 'strong-typed' data broker class.....? Maybe not.
Business Logic Layer(s): From 1 to many DLLs and lots of classes;
-That refer to the above Data Layer.
Interface UI, Maybe report generator too, with an interface helper.
- At this level you may require implementing Win32APIs. Handy if you have
already got this class.
User forms in Access are a little more than slightly different to the VB 6
ones, just to add some time to the time estimate.
Link it all in to create your application. While we're at it, you may need a
loging-messaging class too.
Look at your ADP and see what you can port over, and what you will have to
contruct from the ground up.
Like others have stated in the post it may not be worth heading towards the
VB 6 path. I now see why I have not seen such conversion tools as well.
Just speaking from my experiences. Not trying to turn you off it, if you're
that way inclined (as I), it can be fun, you'll learn a lot too.
- Jaccess
Any guesses on how long it would take to convert a basic sample ADP
project to a VB project?
Yes, I know it scales as a function of the classes and such, but I was
wondering how long something basic takes. Are there any sample adp
projects which have been ported, so that that I could see what all is
involved and to what extent it is obvious?