Great posts, well said! First, I don't have nearly as much respect for Jon
as you, and I've been watching here a LONG time and have been participating
again for the past few weeks. I think he generally knows his stuff, but he
has the personality where I get the feeling he will bullsh** someone if he
doesn't know the answer, because he's too proud to admit he doesn't know.
So - I take everything he says, with a grain of salt.
My original point was a simple one, from my experience (from several jobs,
hundreds of projects, dozens of developers and a handful of languages) - his
entire approach and especially attitude, is to his own undoing. A developer
has exactly TWO worths: his/her technical ability and thier ability to
communicate. Lacking in either one will determine the quality of your job,
your pay and how others see you. And I'm also saying, the kinds of
assumptions and shortcuts he takes, speaks novels to his competence. If I
were going over his code, I would be tearing it apart. Because things he's
calling 'relying on the spec' - are shortcuts that add confusion and
ambiguity, and cut down on the clarity. And when I'm trying to fix code, the
LAST thing I want - is ambiguity or guessing. So even if people don't agree
with me, I hope at the very least - THAT concept gets through.
"Write every line of code, like someone else will have to support it. AND it
has your name on it."
What would *I* do if someone challenged my viewpoints? Well - it happens ALL
the time, I explain why I've come to the conclusion I have - and ask the
other person why they believe what they do. Afterwards, I weigh what the
other person said and decide if I will adopt or incorporate thier idea into
my practice. I don't think it's life and death, nor do I really care. Jon
has equally "attacked" my style - and I don't really care, my whole intent
is to tell him why his method is not really the way to go.
Lastly, I had to chuckle - when I read your post chastizing Jon, I was
thinking "Oh man, Jon is going to go after HIM now".. and sure enough, he
did.. Jon is like the barking dog next dog who has to bark at anyone that
walks by the fence. In the long run, it's a waste of time to try to get him
to shut up - because he can bark all day... I haven't had to deal with
someone so angry in a long time, I think I forgot how! So I do regret
getting caught up in this thread.
Bottom line, this thread did get out of control... perhaps we can all get to
more productive and problem-solving posts..

) I offer Jon a truce, for
immediately after he predictably responds to this post (well, he has to
defend himself - doesn't he?).
