~Mickey said:
I got a frantic call from my neighbor who told me about the alert and
about *the fix* which was to press F1, get to a command prompt, type
in MRT and press enter.
I was already running the Sophos "On Demand" scanner but tried the MRT
this am to see what it did and it brings up the Windows Malicious
Software Removal Tool which does include Win32/Conficker protection
and should be available from auto updates.
If it runs, you don't have an active infestation. If it doesn't - you
very well may have one.
The following 23 processes are immediated terminated by C's process
monitoring thread whenever they are discovered running on the victim
1.. autoruns - malware removal tool
2.. avenger - antivirus / firewall
3.. confick - cleanup utilities
4.. downad - cleanup utilities
5.. filemon - security utility)
6.. gmer - rootkit detector and remover (gmer.net)
7.. hotfix - security patch or removal tools
8.. kb890 - Microsoft patch
9.. kb958 - Microsoft patch
10.. kido - security patch or removal tools
11.. klwk - Karspersky malware removal tool
12.. mbsa. - Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser
13.. mrt - Microsoft malware removal tool
14.. mrtstub - Microsoft malware removal tool
15.. ms08-06 - Microsoft patch
16.. procexp - process explorer
17.. procmon - process monitor
18.. regmon - registry monitor
19.. scct_ - unknown
20.. sysclean - Trend Micro malware removal tool
21.. tcpview - network packet analysis tool
22.. unlocker - file unlocking utility
23.. wireshark - network packet analysis tool