Have one more obstacle.
In one situation and only one situation.
The txtControl to be justified is on page 2 of a report. Meaning data on
page one, a Page Break, and then the Control.
Named all of the Controls the same so it was easy to Copy/Paste all the code
from one to another and pare out excessess,
EG: TO Justi8
At first thought pared out too much. No.
Finally added a txtContol to page 1 and left the txtControl on page 2. The
Control on Page 1 worked, Page 2 Control didn't.
Even used ControlSource =[txtMemo1] to txtMemo2. Didn't work either.
Any Suggestions or ideas?
Have one more obstacle.
In one situation and only one situation.
The txtControl to be justified is on page 2 of a report. Meaning data on
page one, a Page Break, and then the Control.
Named all of the Controls the same so it was easy to Copy/Paste all the code
from one to another and pare out excessess,
EG: TO Justi8
At first thought pared out too much. No.
Finally added a txtContol to page 1 and left the txtControl on page 2. The
Control on Page 1 worked, Page 2 Control didn't.
Even used ControlSource =[txtMemo1] to txtMemo2. Didn't work either.
Any Suggestions or ideas?
Stephen Lebans said:Look again at the source code behind the sample reports. You have to
declare a seperate instance of the JustiClass for EACH TextBox control
you want to justify.
Dim Justi1 As New clsJustifyText
Dim Justi2 As New clsJustifyText
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Call Justi1.fRecordSection(Me, Me.txtTestmemo, PrintCount)
Call Justi2.fRecordSection(Me, Me.txtTestMemo2, PrintCount)
End Sub
Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Andy said:Marsh/Stephen;
Getting Odd behavior.
The report prints to a "Label". It contains 8 controls, 4 on the upper
portion, 4 on the lower.
The fTextHeight works for all of them, when the JustiDirect is added for all
the controls the Upper 4 are blank.
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript1", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript2", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript3", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript4", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript5", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript6", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript7", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtProdDescript8", PrintCount)
End Sub
Tested it by Remming out last 4 and the upper 4 controls text reappears.
Any ideas?
PS. Don't know if this is any help but this is also included on the Detail
on Format Event:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim intFS As Integer
For intFS = 14 To 8 Step -1
Me.txtProdDescript1.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript2.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript3.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript4.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript5.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript6.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript7.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtProdDescript8.FontSize = intFS
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript1) < Me.txtProdDescript1.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript2) < Me.txtProdDescript2.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript3) < Me.txtProdDescript3.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript4) < Me.txtProdDescript4.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript5) < Me.txtProdDescript5.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript6) < Me.txtProdDescript6.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript7) < Me.txtProdDescript7.Height Then
Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript8) < Me.txtProdDescript8.Height Then
Exit For
Next intFS
End Sub
"Stephen Lebans"wrote in message news:[email protected]...Justidirect issue:
1) As per the documentation, the original TextBox control's Font color
must be set to WHITE.
2) Certain Postscript Printer Drivers will not work with JustiDirect.
Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Thank You.
The ftxtHeight works and works correctly. Incorporated Lebans code.
It is more than is needed and when I learn more I will pare some of it
Right now am also trying to incorporate Lebans JustiDirect into the
code also. It's "almost" working.
Text is repeating twice in the rpt's control. (Text displayed on top
text), Once Justified the other is not.
Believe it has something to do with the functions calling the printer.
Thank You for all Your Help!!!
Andy wrote:
The TxtBox height on the Report is 2.625". Plenty of room for
Did try lebans.com fTxtHeight. One is for Forms only, another
increases/decreases the height of the txtBox in the Report. The
cannot exceed 2.625"
Oh bleep!! Dumb, dumb, dumb, I had a line of code in the
wrong place! Dumb, dumb . . .
For intFS = 14 To 8 Step -1
Me.txtProdDescript.FontSize = intFS
If fTextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript) _
< Me.txtProdDescript.Height Then Exit For
Next intFS
Make sure you're using the TextHeightWidth download at
which works fine for reports too.
MVP [MS Access]
Marsh Your answer seems to be more versital, but it still goes
the lowest FontSize:
Dim intFS As Integer
' With txtProdDescript
' .FontName = "ARIAL"
' End With
' Tried the above because the code below changes the Font
that is
normally used.
' It didn't work either
For intFS = 14 To 8 Step -1
If TextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript) <
' Greater Than stays at the largest FontSize
' For intFS = 14 To 8 Step -1
' If TextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript) >
' Less Than Goes directly to Smallest FontSize
' Even reversed it.
' For intFS = 8 To 14 Step 1
' If TextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript) <
' Less Than goes directly to the smallest FontSize
' For intFS = 8 To 14 Step 1
' If TextHeight(Me.txtProdDescript) >
' Greater Than goes directly to the largest FontSize
"Marshall Barton" wrote
Your test statistics imply that the text box height is not
tall enough for even one line, please double check that.
I also see that you are not using Stephen Lebans fTextHeight
function, but have elected to use the built in TextHeight
method. The built in method has many flaws when used for
this purpose and, while I would not expect the results you
are seeing, I definitely expect it to fail to meet your