Computer Won't Boot

Well no luck unplugging everything except what i need, then trying to set it to 166x13. What should I do now?
Does your computer make any bleeping sounds when it tries to start, as different combinations of bleeps can often diagnose the problem, or doesnt it even get that far.

Normally, your computer should emit a single short beep at startup.

Also, have you cleared the CMOS. (this can easily be done with either a mobo jumper, or by removing the mobo battery for a short while. Refer to your user manual for recommended method)
I have cleared the cmos still it will not get back to normal speeds. But this last time i tried setting the buss speed the computer would restart after i saved the settings but nothing would come up on the monitor. Also the lights on the keyboard would not light up like usual. Everything seems to be booting like normal except i cant see anything on the monitor. I have tried repeatedly to reset the cmos but still nothing will show up on the monitor.
motherboard problems

Try the v core settings. I had a simillar problem until I put the v core setting up.