David Candy
Then the copy you have is from an update. Have you done the other things I suggest.
Goodbye Web Diary
Goodbye Web Diary
Dejan Ucakar said:My version is 5.3.2600.2180 and is not on Microsoft list that
I got when I opened the list you sent me.
David Candy said:I keep hitting send while I wait for web pages to download. I've just had a crash rescheduling of work. Look at this page and compare versions numbers before doing sfc /scannow.
Goodbye Web Diary
Dejan Ucakar said:I tried
Type in Start Run
explorer /select,%systemroot%\system32\drivers\stream.sys
What am I looking for? File properties look normal
Thanks again
Do the Pstat thing. Just confirm that original error address (param 4 was the memory address) is Stream.sys.
Do you know hexidecimal maths (you would have done it at least once in school).
It seams you have tagged onto another thread (I've deleted previous posts before you posted)? What are your symptoms. It crashes on boot or after an hour?
Run this minidump C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini120805-01.dmp from your first message through windbg. Verifier may cause crashes that are unrelated to the original problem. If so it means there is a second problem that you don't hit normally.
Type in Start Run
explorer /select,%systemroot%\system32\drivers\stream.sys
Check properties on it. This is a multimedia thingy. Does that allow you to connect any dots.
Goodbye Web Diary
Doesn't fit. Temperature is normal with plethora of fans keeping it at 45 C
(122 F)
Memory tester reported no errors and went through all the passes OK
If you speak some foreign language (not sure what it is)"STREAM.SYS"+Error+23b&hl=en&lr=lang_en
Does the first link fit?
Goodbye Web Diary
I started verifier and rebooted. Windows didn't start but I got BSOD stating:
IO System Verification error in STREAM.SYS (WDM Driver Error 23b)
[Stream.sys + 705a at BA3BE05A]
Beginning of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete
Contact technical expert ...
I can reboot with (Last known good config).
Please instruct me what to do next
Treat your error as a 0x000000d1 error.
Type verifier in Start Run, follow the wizard but choose All Drivers. This will slow down your computer and cause more blue screen crashes but will pinpoint what is causing the crash (if the original error message didn't). Once you fix it you rerun verifier and turn it off.
If you can't start after enabling verifier
choose Last Known Good Configuration at the Failed Boot menu (which will
start without verifier).
You will be creating a crash dump file in c:\windows\minidump every blue screen. Make sure you are set to record minidumps (Small Memory Dumps) - type it in Help to see how.
If you have the XP SP2 Security Update CD (else see
Install symbols from <CD Drive Letter>:\SUPPORT\SYMBOLS
Load the crash dump file into windbg
and read what it says. You may need to tell it where the symbols are. Read it.
!Analyze -v
into Windbg's command line.
(this will hopefully tell you the faulty component)
If the above is too technical then email the crash dump files to david @ mvps.org. Don't send me lots of them. Just the one from your last crash after you turn verifier on. And only one per mail.
You can look up specific details here
If it indicates faulty memory might be the cause you can get a memory tester
If it mentions a core windows system file, meaning it a MS fix is required,
upload a minidump to
Also try typing the main error code in Help while online (ie,
Stop 0x50
and also try in the 8 digit form
stop 0x00000050)
and if there are too many hits use a filename if available. Generally memory
addresses are different for each computer (as each computer has a different
mix of drivers) so parameters that are memory addresses aren't that useful for searching, but NTStatus codes are (plus you can look them up here http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/mingw/w32api/include/ddk/ntstatus.h?rev=1.2).
If this doesn't work try
Get your XP CD and install Windows Support Tools.
Type in start run after installing and rebooting
pstat > "%userprofile%\desktop\driverlÂist.txt"
The last table in this file is a list of loaded drivers. Other things apart
from hardware uses drivers. Post the list of drivers (the last table only -
REPEAT THE LAST TABLE O N L Y ) or match the fault address to the driver.
This will allow you to match memory addresses to a driver.
Goodbye Web Diary
I have the same problem. Here is the event viewer report:
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x100000d1
(0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xf721970f). A dump was saved in:
Any help?
The Blue screen will appear when the PC reboots/restarts itself. BSOD =
Blue Screen Of Death. The Stop Code will be on the Blue Screen in this kind
of format:
If you please post the number that is in front of the leading bracket. To
find the Event Viewer type the following from Start>Run:
Then click on the icons in the left hand column and if any errors are
mentioned. If there are any could you please post the Source and Event ID?
Will Denny
MS-MVP - Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups
I didn't get blue screen,not sure where stop error would be. What is BSOD,
also where do I find event viewer?
Thanks I will try that. I don't get any error messages. Going to reboot
and will come back and let you know how it worked.
Hi Jim
Any error messages to work with?
If you don't see any error messages, right click on My Computer, select
Properties and then the Advanced tab. Click on Settings under Startup
Recovery and disable 'Automatically restart'. Next time your PC
you should see a Blue Screen. Could you please post the Stop Code from
Also, please have a look in the Event Viewer to see if any entries
there may
refer to the problem.
Will Denny
MS-MVP - Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups
My Computer keeps re-starting itself. This usually happens after
on for 2 and 1/2 hours. I have the power settings at always on.