As a matter of fact I am. 

Ok, decided to take your advice and got a friends multimeter. However
(im not very experienced with multimeters) Have this "Cen-Tech P37772
multimeter tester" Set meter to DC,..(took me awhile to figure which
one was DC since it isnt labeled with words but electrical symbols) So
which setting do I set for all wires? Theres a 200m,2,20,200, and a
1000 setting. I assumed the purple wire woud use the 20 setting, but
what about the green & grey wire?
Don't worry so much. As long as the meter is not in ampere mode,
then you can select any range you want. Either it will give three
digits (good), or give too few digits, or says voltage is too high.
All accurate reading will be in the 20 volts range. But if your
reading on any wire is too close to zero, then switch the range down
until you have a three digit number.
For example, one wire is below 0.8 volts. When you read using the
20 volts scale, it says 0.2. So you lower it to the 2 volts scale.
It reads 0.19.
Now measure the red wire. It indicates voltage too high (blinking,
too many nines, etc). So now you switch the range from 2 volts back
to 20. It reads 4.96. Now you have another number. It's that simple.
Looking forward to learning what the numbers discovered.