Beauregard replied :
Postman said:
First header is my troll, second, thrid and the forth headers are
spammers as I tried to indicate...
Oh yeah, sorry I missed that.
I would presume you have your cross-posting blocker set at three so
you do not see the increase in corss-posting. With that setting you
would only see spam that it is multi-posted.
Y'know, you could be right. <g> So, is your newsreader capable of
filtering on number of groups? Mine says, in part:
No, I use mesnews and I was unable to locate a method to accomplish
cross-posting filtering. I did write to the author a while back, but
it is on a wish list.
I am one of few people that liked the way Outlook Express worked in
newsgroups, and this program is simple like O.E., with yEnc
capabilities... Ok! it is better...
I explore and participate message by message, so have the need to see
everything that is posted in the 2 NG that I resurrected... I send a
lot of spamming complaints trying to keep the a tattoo & decorative
piercing NG and a bodypainting NG clear of off topic spam...
It became more difficult since I have picked up a personal troll…
Smiling, yet disgusted that his Australian ISP will not close down his
account… I can only guess he is living with the abuse department
manager, or major stockholder…
There are a number of spammers that post to two newsgroups to make
certain of getting to Forte's agent software and other cross-posting
blocking newsreaders, but there are many that cross post to 6 or more
NG. Six seems to be a standard for one reason or another...
JR the postman