CMOS after changing mobo battery

  • Thread starter Thread starter attilathehun1
  • Start date Start date
First off, I remember now it was in the add/remove programs where you
uninstall the old video drivers, I think. But I can check that out later.
Lets move on.
Ok, this PC a HP Pavilion 503n doesn't come with an AGP slot. All the
better I think, all I have to do is load up the drivers for that GeForce FX
5200 and mess things up here so my brother has a cow.
Ok, I dug into my box and found a brand new graphics card I bought probably
3 years ago. Brand new still in the wrappers. It's an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro and
yes it has AGP 8x/4x. I know this card works. It's brand new too, but bought
3 years ago so there is the compatibility.
Let me install it and get back to you. Wait, hold on, brb, I'll do it now.
I'm really getting pissed or frustrated here. I put it onto the VGA
connector and the keyboard lights didn't even come on, and then I switched it
back to the DVI connector, which I've always been using and the keyboard
lights came up when I fired it up. Still nothing on the monitor, though. Let
me give it another shot with the jumper with it plugged back into the DVI. I
tried it with the VGA and nothing. BRB
Ok, nothing. I'm just really fed up with this motherboard and whole mess.
I've run the jumpers every which way but loose. NOTHING on the monitor. At
least, it's firing up, but I could've told you it's not the card. I knew the
128 DDR Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 worked.
What do you think is the next solution. Trash the motherboard. I did buy
another mobo from newegg. com before I read the reviews and I regret it. I
did get a free 512 stick of DDR 400 RAM thrown in free. It's like I bought
the RAM and got the mobo free. I paid about $55 bucks out the door for all.
Ok, here's the model of the mobo, it's an Elitegroup GF6100-M754 mobo/CPU
combo. There is no heatsink and fan assembly included. That's why I haven't
tried that.
Wait, I'm going to give this a shot. Oh, but I don't think there is a AGP
slot on the board. It's a PCI. I give up.
Tell me what you think.
Thanks, attilathehun1
Hold on a second, I just went back and read your message about the 8x and
4x AGP and it bugs me. Anotherwords, this AGP 8x model ATI Radeon X 1050
card, bought 2 weeks ago from Best Buy, won't ever be able to be used on the
MIGV7 400 motherboard? If that's the case then the manufacturer is doing on
purpose. Someone buys a video card, sticks it into his draw for a year, then
finds out it's not compatible anymore with his new motherboard. There should
be backward compatibility.
Ok, back to the install of this new card. BRB
I"m right in the procedure of installing it, and I've always used the CRT
monitor on the DVI connector. Anotherwords, I have an asaptor DVI to VGA and
I always use it if there is a DVI connector on the card regardless if it's a
flat panel or CRT monitor. Is that correct, or I don't get any better results
and should just plug it straight into the VGA connector?
Ok, back to the install, brb.
The Normal way if your Video worked.........

You go to Device manager and uninstall the old drivers...
You reboot and enter the BIOS to take memory allocation away from the build
in check for a setting that says which Video to use
some have that some dont
safe settings
You shut down and Install new Video to use VGA connection at
If it actually starts and shows on Monitor then you install drivers for new
Video card...

IF you Use an AGP card look at the website they have pics of the connectors
for AGP4x versus 8x...and what to look for on your card.
Some not all 8x cards can work in a 4x AGP slot............
IF your using a PCI card..none of that matters.

If none of the above work...get a bigger paper route and save up for a newer
mobo...which will lead to a newer Processor...newer Ram...
The old Socket A boards are getting harder and harder to find...


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attilathehun1 said:
Ok, thanks for pointing that out to me. Yes this new card is an AGP 8x,
wouldn't there be backward compatibility? Oh, I see what your saying, I'd
have to go into the BIOS and remove the old drivers or into device manager
and remove the old drivers. Which is it, BIOS or Device Manager where I"d
remove the old drivers? Ok, lets move on.
Why then wouldn't the old card that was in the PC work, that was working
the whole time? Ok, lets plug this old card into this PC and see if it
Ok, I'm going to have to shut down. I'll post another message to tell you
if the old card works. It's a 128 mb DDR Nvidia FX GeForce 5200.
Thanks, attilathehun1
this is the mobo you said you had......M7VIG 400,
a quick search showed it to have an AGP slot

is this your mobo or not???


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offensive, inappropriate, or disruptive, please ignore it.
If you don't know how to ignore a posting, complain to
me and I will be only too happy to demonstrate... ;-)

attilathehun1 said:
First off, I remember now it was in the add/remove programs where you
uninstall the old video drivers, I think. But I can check that out later.
Lets move on.
Ok, this PC a HP Pavilion 503n doesn't come with an AGP slot. All the
better I think, all I have to do is load up the drivers for that GeForce
5200 and mess things up here so my brother has a cow.
Ok, I dug into my box and found a brand new graphics card I bought
3 years ago. Brand new still in the wrappers. It's an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
yes it has AGP 8x/4x. I know this card works. It's brand new too, but
3 years ago so there is the compatibility.
Let me install it and get back to you. Wait, hold on, brb, I'll do it now.
I'm really getting pissed or frustrated here. I put it onto the VGA
connector and the keyboard lights didn't even come on, and then I switched
back to the DVI connector, which I've always been using and the keyboard
lights came up when I fired it up. Still nothing on the monitor, though.
me give it another shot with the jumper with it plugged back into the DVI.
tried it with the VGA and nothing. BRB
Ok, nothing. I'm just really fed up with this motherboard and whole mess.
I've run the jumpers every which way but loose. NOTHING on the monitor. At
least, it's firing up, but I could've told you it's not the card. I knew
128 DDR Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 worked.
What do you think is the next solution. Trash the motherboard. I did buy
another mobo from newegg. com before I read the reviews and I regret it. I
did get a free 512 stick of DDR 400 RAM thrown in free. It's like I bought
the RAM and got the mobo free. I paid about $55 bucks out the door for
Ok, here's the model of the mobo, it's an Elitegroup GF6100-M754 mobo/CPU
combo. There is no heatsink and fan assembly included. That's why I
tried that.
Wait, I'm going to give this a shot. Oh, but I don't think there is a AGP
slot on the board. It's a PCI. I give up.
Tell me what you think.
Thanks, attilathehun1
Hold on a second, I just went back and read your message about the 8x and
4x AGP and it bugs me. Anotherwords, this AGP 8x model ATI Radeon X 1050
card, bought 2 weeks ago from Best Buy, won't ever be able to be used on
MIGV7 400 motherboard? If that's the case then the manufacturer is doing
purpose. Someone buys a video card, sticks it into his draw for a year,
finds out it's not compatible anymore with his new motherboard. There
be backward compatibility.
Ok, back to the install of this new card. BRB
I"m right in the procedure of installing it, and I've always used the CRT
monitor on the DVI connector. Anotherwords, I have an asaptor DVI to VGA
I always use it if there is a DVI connector on the card regardless if it's
flat panel or CRT monitor. Is that correct, or I don't get any better
and should just plug it straight into the VGA connector?
Ok, back to the install, brb.
Well, I broke down and brought it into a pc tech dude and he told me to look
at the mobo, it's touching metal. I told him I didn't see that but I told my
brother that the pc tech is going to tell me that it's the mobo. Well, that's
exactly what he said, he just pointed out what was causing it. So, I guess it
was getting shorted out, which is what I told my friend that I bet there is a
short somewhere that is causing this. BINGO!
Now I think the mobo is shot. One thing that troubles me is that is was
firing up. Usually when there is a short in my experienced that it won't even
fire up. If there is a short, then it doesn't even start up. This is starting
up, and it's just the monitor that's not turning green on the LED. Oh, wait a
second. It isn't firing up the keyboard when I put it on the onboard or when
I put it on the VGA. When I put it on the default jumper of the BIOS
motherboard jumper it doesn't fire up either. So, probably the tech is right
and I was right telling my brother it was the mobo that was the culprit.
Ok, let move on to the sound card on my Dell 8300. I just opened up my Dell
8300 main PC in my bedroom and I saw that the sound card was right next to
the video card and I thought I read somewhere to keep the sound card as far
away as you can from the graphics card. If that's true I've had that right
near the video card for over a year and that's why I always have to move the
sound card wire that hooks up to the input/output into the back of the PC,
into the sound card. was always very touchy. If you moved it wrong or swept
up around it, you'd hear a bunch of back static. Real loud too. I'm moving it
away now just to make sure.
Maybe I'll wait for your response.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Thanks, attilathehun1
The general consensus is to have the sound card on a different IRQ than the
video card...which means doing some searching and finding the matching IRQ's
for all PCI slots...
what you have is a loose conection.......

If you are bored and taking machines apart just for the hell of it might I
suggest you buy some OLD parts from a Computer store..
they usually have lots laying around that they are willing to part
with..sometimes for free....and then use those parts to build a system..
You will need to research what goes with what...
Well, I broke down and brought it into a pc tech dude and he told me
to look at the mobo, it's touching metal.

Meaningless. It would have to be some conductive part on the mobo;
wire, solder connection, lead, etc., touching metal to cause a problem.
The mobo material itself is non-conductive and wouldn't cause everything
to quit working if it touched metal.

I told him I didn't see
that but I told my brother that the pc tech is going to tell me that
it's the mobo. Well, that's exactly what he said, he just pointed out
what was causing it.

Which was what? What was shorted out?

So, I guess it was getting shorted out, which is
what I told my friend that I bet there is a short somewhere that is
causing this. BINGO!
Now I think the mobo is shot. One thing that troubles me is that is
was firing up. Usually when there is a short in my experienced that
it won't even fire up. If there is a short, then it doesn't even

IMO you've long passed the point where you are qualified to do anything
further so unless this is just something to play with, it's time to
bring it into a shop or toss it out.

I brought it into a shop. That's the opinion of the PC tech. He said the
mobo is shorting out, which I'm kinda leary about because if it was shorting
out it wouldn't even fire up. I think? In all my days of fixing and
troubleshooting PCs I've always seen shorts as it won't fire up. Oh wait, no
it will fire up and then shut down. It might fire up for a few seconds and
then shut down. This one fires up and stays on as long as I have the power
on. It's just the monitor stays yellow on the LED. Look, the onboard doesn't
work, the jumper doesn't work. When I put the jumper from pronngs 1 & 2 to 2
& 3 or vise versa, when I changed them over, it doesn't even fire up, which
is strange.
So, maybe the mobo is screwed up, just what I told my brother a PC tech
would say to me.
Ok, thanks for all the input, but unless you have anything more to add that
would be very surprising to me.
Thanks, attilathehun1
I once had a reset button that was shorting. It was as thought he reset
button on the case was constantly being depressed. So essentially it was
resetting, resetting, resetting. It nearly drove me crazy.