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I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't boot...Although
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.
Neb said:
I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't boot...Although
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.

This is what I use:

For example only, here's the command line with variables, that I use:


(please note that the line wraps)

I've been using this for a couple of years now and it works perfectly.
John said: said:
John said:
Neb wrote:

I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't boot...Although
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.

This is what I use:


Does this retain the boot info?

I presume you mean the MBR. No, it doesn't:

However, on my system both hard drives are bootable because that's the
way I set them up and I use ME, not XP.
xxcopy only copies files, it does not make the destination bootable with XP.

Try.. ...beta and free at present.
This will do a complete clone and make the destination bootable.

burris said:
John said: said:
John Corliss wrote:
Neb wrote:

I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't boot...Although
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.

This is what I use:


Does this retain the boot info?

I presume you mean the MBR. No, it doesn't:

However, on my system both hard drives are bootable because that's the
way I set them up and I use ME, not XP.

xxcopy only copies files, it does not make the destination bootable with XP.

Doesn't do it on any system. What I should have said was "However, on
my system both hard drives are bootable because that's the way I set
*originally* them up using fdisk..."
Try.. ...beta and free at present.
This will do a complete clone and make the destination bootable.

But be sure to note:

"The current version of XXCLONE works only on Windows NT/2K/XP.
It does not support Windows 95/98/ME.
It does not support non-standard partitionings or boot control schemes
such as BootMagic.
It may not work with SCSI-interfaced disks."


"XXCLONE is a new product developed by the same software development
team who created the highly acclaimed XXCOPY. While XXCOPY was
primarily targeted for professional and advanced users, XXCLONE is
designed with everyone in mind."

Definitely has potential, but I wonder if it'll be freeware when it
burris said:
Try.. ...beta and free at present.
This will do a complete clone and make the destination bootable.

Just caught the following:

"Note: This beta test version will expire within 30 days from the
release date of the program. We intend to release the next version
before the current beta test version expires. If you *MUST* operate a
verion of XXCLONE which does not expire (after a successful testing of
the current version on your system), please contact Pixelab."

Sounds like 40Tude Dialog all over again. Also, it's a very harsh type
of registerware:

I *NEVER* give out my phone number. Period.

But then, since I use ME and not XP, the question is moot anyway.
John said:
Just caught the following:

"Note: This beta test version will expire within 30 days from the
release date of the program. We intend to release the next version
before the current beta test version expires. If you *MUST* operate a
verion of XXCLONE which does not expire (after a successful testing of
the current version on your system), please contact Pixelab."

Sounds like 40Tude Dialog all over again. Also, it's a very harsh type
of registerware:

I *NEVER* give out my phone number. Period.

But then, since I use ME and not XP, the question is moot anyway.
I don't work for them, but I have been using their programs for years,
and insofar as anything strange or of interest to those who are
paranoid, the developer is as above board as anyone I have interfaced with.

Both programs have worked well for me as well as many others.

A number of us have been beta testing Kan's programs for years and until
he is satisfied, he will keep it in beta. The sign-up is absolutely
free and only asks for feedback about how the program is working.
A simple inquiry would have revealed that because it is in beta, the
developer limits the functionality to 30 days in order to require a
fresh download with the updates.
I don't find anything wrong with that.

I don't understand what is harsh about this...

Neb said: said:
Neb wrote:

I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't boot...Although
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.

This is what I use:


Does this retain the boot info?

I am yet to try it.
If you do a complete clone and are using 98, yes it will create a
bootable drive. xxcopy will not do this with XP. There you need XXClone.

If I remember, the command is....

xxcopy C:\ D:\ /clone

If your drives are named differently, change the letters in the command.

John Corliss said:
burris wrote:

Sounds like 40Tude Dialog all over again. Also, it's a very harsh type
of registerware:

I *NEVER* give out my phone number. Period.

I just registered successfully providing just my name, e-mail address
and country. Received an e-mail with download link and other helpful

burris said:
I don't work for them, but I have been using their programs for years,
and insofar as anything strange or of interest to those who are
paranoid, the developer is as above board as anyone I have interfaced with.

I would definitely agree with that. Ken is very helpful when it comes
to understanding XXCopy. I certainly don't see any "hidden agendas"
lurking in anything Pixelab does.
Both programs have worked well for me as well as many others.

XXCopy at least sure is a vital part of my software lineup.
Unfortunately though, XXClone doesn't work with Millennium Edition.
A number of us have been beta testing Kan's programs for years and until
he is satisfied, he will keep it in beta. The sign-up is absolutely
free and only asks for feedback about how the program is working.
A simple inquiry would have revealed that because it is in beta, the
developer limits the functionality to 30 days in order to require a
fresh download with the updates.
I don't find anything wrong with that.

YMMV when it comes to the definition of trialware. I personally don't
consider trialware *in any form* to be freeware. Doesn't mean that I
wouldn't use the program though (if it worked with ME.) And besides,
there's this from the site:

"If you *MUST* operate a verion of XXCLONE which does not expire
(after a successful testing of the current version on your system),
please contact Pixelab."
I don't understand what is harsh about this...

When it comes to the registration that's required, it's probably just
me overreacting is all. I'm a very private person when it comes to
giving out contact info. On the other hand, there's Larry Sabo's reply
in which he states that he didn't fill out the form entirely and still
got the download link.
Larry said:
John said:
burris wrote:

Sounds like 40Tude Dialog all over again. Also, it's a very harsh type
of registerware:

I *NEVER* give out my phone number. Period.

I just registered successfully providing just my name, e-mail address
and country. Received an e-mail with download link and other helpful

Thanks for the clarification Larry. Guess it's not so bad after all.
And since, apparently, you can actually contact Pixelab and get a
non-time-limited version.
burris said:
If you do a complete clone and are using 98, yes it will create a
bootable drive. xxcopy will not do this with XP. There you need XXClone.

If I remember, the command is....

xxcopy C:\ D:\ /clone

If your drives are named differently, change the letters in the command.

I don't think that's correct unless a newer version of the program
has acquired that function. Although if a drive is
bootable to start it'll stay that way, you can't use XXCopy to make
a drive bootable if it isn't already. From this link:

the following:

"XXCOPY does not touch the Master Boot Record (MBR) of a hard disk (we
believe it should be handled by FDISK or other tools)."

There's been extensive discussion in this group regarding this subject.
John said:
I don't think that's correct unless a newer version of the program
has acquired that function. Although if a drive is
bootable to start it'll stay that way, you can't use XXCopy to make
a drive bootable if it isn't already. From this link:

the following:

"XXCOPY does not touch the Master Boot Record (MBR) of a hard disk (we
believe it should be handled by FDISK or other tools)."

There's been extensive discussion in this group regarding this subject.

With respect to xxcopy, when I had 98SE I used it for years to effect
the clone procedure from my C to D drive. I have 3 HDDs in my machine. I
use the D drive for the backup, which is actually a cloned, bootable drive.
I assume that the system drive at the moment has to be bootable, or how
would you be there. You can only invoke xxcopy or XXClone from the drive
you are booted to, in order to copy elsewhere.

Many times, due to my constant tweaking and testing of programs, I have
had to boot to my cloned drive (D) to survive. Easy, as you can have a
dual boot scenario upon boot-up and select the HDD of choice. Then you
can continue from there or do the xxcopy back to C and when you re-boot,
all is well.

The only caveat is to be aware that when cloning, the drives get
re-named, so you must be aware of where you are and where you are going.
This is true with XXClone as well.

I would suspect that Kan would be much better suited to answer these
questions. Perhaps if he tunes in, he can do so.

John said:
burris said:
John said: wrote:

John Corliss wrote:

Neb wrote:

I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.

This is what I use:


Does this retain the boot info?

I presume you mean the MBR. No, it doesn't:

However, on my system both hard drives are bootable because that's
the way I set them up and I use ME, not XP.

xxcopy only copies files, it does not make the destination bootable
with XP.

Doesn't do it on any system. What I should have said was "However, on my
system both hard drives are bootable because that's the way I set
*originally* them up using fdisk..."
Try.. ...beta and free at present.
This will do a complete clone and make the destination bootable.

But be sure to note:

"The current version of XXCLONE works only on Windows NT/2K/XP.
It does not support Windows 95/98/ME.
It does not support non-standard partitionings or boot control schemes
such as BootMagic.
It may not work with SCSI-interfaced disks."
Is there an old version that does support Win98?
JoeA said:
John said:
burris said:
John Corliss wrote: wrote:

John Corliss wrote:

Neb wrote:

I have another question...
You guys are a helpful group...
Where can I find a GOOD freware for cloning?
I tried Ghost the other day twice and my clone wouldn't
it says that cloning was succes...
Any suggestion.

This is what I use:


Does this retain the boot info?

I presume you mean the MBR. No, it doesn't:

However, on my system both hard drives are bootable because that's
the way I set them up and I use ME, not XP.

xxcopy only copies files, it does not make the destination bootable
with XP.

Doesn't do it on any system. What I should have said was "However, on my
system both hard drives are bootable because that's the way I set
*originally* them up using fdisk..."
Try.. ...beta and free at present.
This will do a complete clone and make the destination bootable.

But be sure to note:

"The current version of XXCLONE works only on Windows NT/2K/XP.
It does not support Windows 95/98/ME.
It does not support non-standard partitionings or boot control schemes
such as BootMagic.
It may not work with SCSI-interfaced disks."
Is there an old version that does support Win98?

Go to

Download and install the free the instructions and you
should be good to go.
If you have any "simple" questions regarding this, post and if I can
help I will..

Good luck....
