Sure. The registry of the partition that was deleted.
Quit your weasel-walking.
So if you're wrong and trying to cover your tracks, you feel
a double-post is helpful?
We're talking about a deleted
yes, you vaguely write "deleted" then try to act as if
there's only one very narrow interpretation of what that is.
Perhaps you should just state exactly what you mean ahead of
and you're talking about some registry of an OS
on another partition. Anything to weasel in a situation you
can claim was being discussed.
I clearly outlined a scenario that you disagreed with.
If you write "deleted", without any further methodology, it
is the act of deletion being considered. When you delete a
partition in a windows environment, in Disk Management NOT
because it needed to be deleted (which it did not, the
cloning programs are capable of managing this themselves)
but rather only because you "need" the registry changes,
then your description is incomplete only leaving out the
core detail of what mattered, that it wasn't the deletion,
it was the removal in a specific method.
Again, except for this one scenario you suggest, when
talking of cloning and deletion, the cloning program does
it, the deletion of the partition is not necessary at all.
You could as easily leave the partition and change the
registry entry. Nobody said you "had" to do it that way but
when you leave out the only detail that is important you've
missed the whole point.