Hi Anna:
As soon as my new HDD comes in hopefully sometime this week I will post
back. As I am not all sure what some of my notes indicate, which are
contrary to what you have indicated.
When I connect two HDD's using Cable Select and check the BIOS location
the Primary Master is in the Middle connection and the Primary Slave is at
the End connection.
I just double checked what I said above to be sure I was correct. I
connected the good HDD to the end position and the bad HDD to the middle
position and hit F2 to check the BIOS before boot up. The BIOS did not
detect either drive, Master or Slave. I suppose the reason being was that
the bad HDD was in the middle connection, which in my system for some reason
is the Master instead of Slave, and it could not go further in detecting the
good HDD at the end connection. Thank goodness when I disconnected the bad
HDD and with the good HDD connected at the end position everything
afterwards booted fine.
Anyway I wanted to advise you of this ASAP in case you had any prior
comments about the above.
Thanks again,
It's probably best to use the Cable Select jumper position for both HDDs.
Don't be concerned with the color of the connectors on the IDE data (ribbon)
cable. As you suspect, it's their position that's important.
The HDD connected to the *end* connector will serve as Primary Master.
Presumably you'll connect your current HDD containing the OS and all data to
that connector.
The HDD connected to the *middle* connector will serve as Primary Slave. So
you'll be connecting your new HDD to that connector.
You probably know this already but in case not, here's the link to the
jumper settings for your HDDs...
As you will note the setting for CS are jumper positions 1 & 2.
I should mention that on some systems - usually containing a very old
motherboard - we experienced a number of systems that balked at drives
connected (jumpered) CS although (supposedly) they technically met the
specifications for accommodating that jumpered configuration. So the user
was forced to use the Master/Slave jumper positions rather than CS. However
as I recall we never ran into that problem with Sony machines. They behaved
very properly in that respect.
As soon as my new HDD comes in hopefully sometime this week I will post
back. As I am not all sure what some of my notes indicate, which are
contrary to what you have indicated.
When I connect two HDD's using Cable Select and check the BIOS location
the Primary Master is in the Middle connection and the Primary Slave is at
the End connection.
I just double checked what I said above to be sure I was correct. I
connected the good HDD to the end position and the bad HDD to the middle
position and hit F2 to check the BIOS before boot up. The BIOS did not
detect either drive, Master or Slave. I suppose the reason being was that
the bad HDD was in the middle connection, which in my system for some reason
is the Master instead of Slave, and it could not go further in detecting the
good HDD at the end connection. Thank goodness when I disconnected the bad
HDD and with the good HDD connected at the end position everything
afterwards booted fine.
Anyway I wanted to advise you of this ASAP in case you had any prior
comments about the above.
Thanks again,
ColTom2 said:Hi Anna:
I have ordered a new WD HHD the same as I currently have (WD2500BB 250
I think that the existing HD should be identified as the Primary Master
and the new HHD to be cloned should be identified as the Primary Slave.
to be sure please tell me where the Jumper pins should be on both. Also
position on the IDE cable should each HHD be i.e. Middle or End.
The reason that I ask the cable position is that I have read where the
middle connector is black and the end connector is gray at the WD website.
However, the IDE cable in my Sony the connector cables are just opposite.
The black connector is in the middle and the end connector is gray. What
difference does it make as to the color rather than the location?
I just want to be sure that I have the new HHD properly connected for
Automatic cloning with Acronis.
I know that I have asked a lot of you in this and the preceding postings.
It's probably best to use the Cable Select jumper position for both HDDs.
Don't be concerned with the color of the connectors on the IDE data (ribbon)
cable. As you suspect, it's their position that's important.
The HDD connected to the *end* connector will serve as Primary Master.
Presumably you'll connect your current HDD containing the OS and all data to
that connector.
The HDD connected to the *middle* connector will serve as Primary Slave. So
you'll be connecting your new HDD to that connector.
You probably know this already but in case not, here's the link to the
jumper settings for your HDDs...
As you will note the setting for CS are jumper positions 1 & 2.
I should mention that on some systems - usually containing a very old
motherboard - we experienced a number of systems that balked at drives
connected (jumpered) CS although (supposedly) they technically met the
specifications for accommodating that jumpered configuration. So the user
was forced to use the Master/Slave jumper positions rather than CS. However
as I recall we never ran into that problem with Sony machines. They behaved
very properly in that respect.