quote="Arthur Entlich" you understand that in spite of m
years of faithful
Art, that is totally un-fair, you have helped many a people and n
doubt many are grateful, I have experienced Epson Technical and it'
quite a challenge when they get you to waste new Epson ink tank'
with try this and try that....all the while the telephone bil
mounting, when a E-mail to Art solves it less than half the expense
Obvious Epson wants to sell printers not revive them, is it that the
may be a little envious of your success or method
Keep going Arthur, many a people are thankful for people like you
years of faithful
service to Epson owners, helping them to unclog and resurrect thei
printers, why Epson won't even officially acknowledge my existence
Art, that is totally un-fair, you have helped many a people and n
doubt many are grateful, I have experienced Epson Technical and it'
quite a challenge when they get you to waste new Epson ink tank'
with try this and try that....all the while the telephone bil
mounting, when a E-mail to Art solves it less than half the expense
Obvious Epson wants to sell printers not revive them, is it that the
may be a little envious of your success or method
Keep going Arthur, many a people are thankful for people like you