Have you seen this Jan
Just a snippe
The Stylus C84 on average stopped printing with 20 percent of th
ink left in the cartridge, while the Canon i850 stopped printing wit
10 percent of the ink left. Canon says that it generally strives t
leave 6 percent of a cartridge's ink as a safety margin. Epso
doesn't disclose its target residual ink levels, nor will the compan
comment on why so high a proportion of the total ink is unused whe
printing stops. The other printers we tested gave low-ink message
but never stopped functioning (see the test report for details)
The reson for the flushing is to draw the heads through the nozzles
hoping to remove any dried ink
Sending the waste to the ink tank seems a good idea but do thin
recycling for printing will lead to further problems apart fro
clogging, contamination etc and printing wrong colours, you only nee
a minute blob to cause this
Guess they'll call it Bicycle ink...