+Bob+ said:Or maybe they are just knowledgable enough (in many ways) to recognize
that they have knowledge in an area, but are not a subject matter
....and there are people who know so much they're actually stupid. Power
idiots don't usually post here with problems. Good for them, but when they
decide to offer up assistance based on, what they consider their advanced
knowledge, and decide to pummel the newbie with advanced procedures or
programs that can be extremely harmful to a green user, then I consider them
Then, of course, we have people like you who apparently know
everything - although oddly you're not able to solve any of the
complex problems in these groups. Still, they feel confident enough to
criticize others who are ore humble.
Not once did I ever claim to be any type of computer or Windows guru. What
I've learned I've learned by experience/screwing around and messing stuff up
myself. What I also learned a long time ago is, as a newbie 15 years ago, I
used groups like this for help only to be answered with enough technical
garbage to choke an elephant. I would finally hit on someone who spoke
English. What I offer these groups is something that you cubicle monkey's
don't have.....COMMON SENSE! Turning a registry cleaner loose on an
uneducated user is just plain stupid!
Word to the wise: There's always someone who knows more about the
subject; there's always a faster car; there's always a guy who punches
Another word to the wise: IRL I have an extremely hard punch and a damned
fast SUV.