Cleaning up XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Penang
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It is obvious that you think that you know everything, and no one
else knows anything.

Nope, that's your own take on things, but your'e certainly entitled to
your opinions. There are a lot of things I don't know or I'd answer a
lot more posts here. A LOT of people know a lot more than I do.
However, when a few are pushing constant misinformation about one
specific subject, I can no long let their lies, innuendo and
misinformation pass for "good" information. All they have to do to stop
the posts is to admit that not all registry cleaners are bad, are
useless, and/or will cause damage to a person's computer, are to be
completely avoided, etc., thereby attempting to remove perfectly good,
and often free, tools that many could make use of, or, just simply quit
spewing that misinformation.
I refuse to back down when I know I am right and have many years of
experience and study in that exact same field which proves that they are
wrong. I've posted a small amount of it here and if you look back in the
posts, you'll see why I don't give them more cognizant information; they
only use it to twist and twine things into oblivion as opposed to making
any sensible arguements for their own positions. Initially I thought
maybe they knew someting I didn't, and I asked for details. But long
story short, they had none, one guy even saying that just his saying so
was enough that I should believe his tripe, so ... the misinformation
can no longer go unchallenged IMO. As it turns out they know very
little about the subject and have nothing to back up their contentions
but they are too ignorant to admit their folly and have no intention of
doing any research etc. that may expose the truth to them.

In addition, you will note that the ONLY time I take anyone to task is
for blatant publishing of misinformation. If you don't like reading
that sort of thing, no one is forcing you to read my posts or even the
posts of the closed minded ignorants with their useless, misleading
boilerplates. It is not I that initiate the misinformationist comments
they make.

However, many of us log on to learn, or to help,
and it is much more difficult, and wastes a lot of time, if we must
wade though pages of your calling people names. If you are better
informed, why not simply state your argument, and let others decide
who they wish to believe?

Then perhaps you need to learn how to use your mailreader and how to
manage threads more efficiently. I have no intention of stopping as
long as the misinformationists continue with their libelous crusage
against perfectly functional, useful, safe tools.
It is even possilbe that, under different circumstances, each side has
arguments with merit.

No, that's not true any longer. Ask any of the crew who are so adamant
about registry cleaners. Look back thru the old posts; you'll see
exactly what the situation is. There will never be any evidence
provided by them to back up their contentions because they do not have
any, but they are not going to admit that. As evidence, note the one
yesterday about how MS killed their own cleaner tool in what, 1994? He
didn't even know that MS had recently released exactly such a tool
again, not too awfully long ago. And the list goes on. Yet they feel
the authority to spew misinformation about it, which gives me the
opportunity to show them up for the closed minds they are. You may also
note that there are three of four who post about no other subject, in
fact, spewing boilerplate after boilerplate, without any supporting
information of any kind. I don't toss in a lot, but the other day I
commented on a boot time improvement of 60 Seconds using one of their
dreaded tools, which historically over the years have not ever created a
singly instance of OS problems for me.
...But, spewing venom is not a plus, if you are

If you think that's spewing venom, you are a newbie and/or need a much
thicker skin to participate on public newsgroups. This is mild, and in
general actually kept to a reasonably quiet level by both sides. But
you'll see what I mean as you gain experience and move from group to
trying to change minds. Perhaps your time might be better spent if you
considered for a moment why you are so angry and intolerant.

I am not angry. I am simply factual and analytic by nature and
education. And the ONLY intolerance you can possibly have ever seen
from me anywhere, is my prejudice against misinformation by those who
should know better and who refuse to open their eyes to see what is
right in front of them.
It might even appear that your own intolerance is showing somewhat
here; don't let it bug you. It's not worth it. Relax, and do what you
feel is the right thing to do.
Relax. We are not at war with each other. We are here to help one

Nope, no war. And I am quite relaxed, actually. Because you find me
posting against misinformation doesn't mean I need to relax or am upset
of whatever ... I'm a touch typist and can type nearly as fast as I can
speak, so it's no task for me to post my own information against that of
the misinformation. It's people who insist on posting misinformation,
who know it is not accurate, and think they can dicatate the attitudes
of others w/r to which tools to use with their computers that seem to
get upset. Live quiver and all that, I guess some would call it.

No animosity here, Robert; I'm not mad, have no intention of "getting
even" with anyone or anything of the kind; just keeping the good fight
against misinformation for newbies and the inexperienced. A small group
of closed minds here have most people actually afraid to even mention
the subject for fear of being flamed; you can see that too in the older
posts if you take a look. I'd like to see that end and plan to do what
I can about it, as little as that may be. But when I see the
misinformation it's no problem to post an opposing view and suggest my
own opinions of why they are offering such silliness and point out how
closed their minds are, including descriptions of specifics of it all.
I simply support the accurate side of the inforamation and nothing more.

So, I'll keep posting when I see incorrect information and you keep on
reading and learning how not to read a post you think may upset you.


By golly, Twane, I did learn something from you:

When I see your name come up, skip the post.
