ms said:
I'm saving data to CD's.
1. I have to put no more than 640 MB of stuff in a folder.
Is there a executable program to set the limits, where I can select
a bunch of files, and it only copiess the first 640 MB?
I know you just said, "select a bunch of files." Yet I am wondering
if I can interpret this in a certain way, to fit it to the only solution
I am familiar with for this. My needed interpretation would be that you
do a path at a time. For instance, everthing under "D:\stuff\2003\."
I think you won't like the sound of my solution, a batch file. But really,
it's not so bad. You don't type at the DOS prompt. Instead you use a text
editor (like Win32pad) to load the batch file, and choose Execute from the
editor's menu when you're ready to have it run.
Below is a rough draft of how it would look.
xxcopy "d:\yoursource\" /h/e/q /aa
xxcopy "d:\yoursource\" "f:\1folder\" /i/e/h/r/ks/y /QBL:600m /m
xxcopy "d:\yoursource\" "f:\2folder\" /i/s/h/r/ks/y /QBL:600m /m
xxcopy "d:\yoursource\" "f:\3folder\" /i/s/h/r/ks/y /QBL:600m /m
xxcopy "d:\yoursource\" "f:\4folder\" /i/s/h/r/ks/y /QBL:600m /m
REM Hit CONTROL-C in the DOS window at any time you want to abort
You would substitute "d:\yoursource\" with the directory you wanted copied.
You would subsitute "f\" with the area of your drive that can hold the
600mb. The reason I put a pause in there, in between each 600mb chunk,
it's because I remember you saying you had a small drive. So this allows
you to stop in between, and move the chunks off to CD.
What this is doing. The first line sets an archive bit (/aa) on everything
in your source folder. Then the lines after that clear the archive bit (/m)
each time a file is successfully copied. That way there is track of what
is copied and what is not in between the 600mb chunks.
The /QBL thing is what is setting the quota max for each step. (Re my
putting it at 600mb, that's counting in tens, and wasn't sure how you
were counting, and didn't want to do any arithmetic - someone else can.)
This file would be better with refinement by someone who knows XXCopy
better than I do. But as a rough draft, my testing showed it to function.
Once the file is confirmed, all you would do:
1. Install XXcoy and Win32pad.
2. Paste that file into Win32pad, save with a *.bat extension.
3. Replace the paths.
4. Hit execute.
But you can still get out of this, Mike.

By saying that you are not
working with specifics path for what you want to copy, and instead need
to multi-select folders and files in explorer from random places, making
it inconvenient for you to enter all of them into text lines..
Or by someone coming to your rescue, and pointing out a small GUI tool that
fulfills this mission.
I don't doubt that GUI tools for this exist, since your request must be
reasonably common. It's just that I don't know of them. (Not to mention
I'm influenced by my interest in XXCopy's flexibility.)