Chad Harris
Some of the files you're interested in are on C:\Boot I believe. PM 8 was
known to have Problems with Vista early on in the Beta as far back as July
'05 when tons of Beta testers began to try to use in on Vista. I don't
think Symantec has updated it for Vista.
It's been my consistent experience watching Symantec who bought PM from
Power Quest and retained some personnel but runs the show, for years that
they will often wait until the last moment to update their software for a
new Operating System. Their behavior during SP2 and confusing people about
an update for Norton was classic I wouldn't expect them to make anything
for Vista compatibility until the last second or after Vista RTMs which I
believe will be later than a lot of people think.
known to have Problems with Vista early on in the Beta as far back as July
'05 when tons of Beta testers began to try to use in on Vista. I don't
think Symantec has updated it for Vista.
It's been my consistent experience watching Symantec who bought PM from
Power Quest and retained some personnel but runs the show, for years that
they will often wait until the last moment to update their software for a
new Operating System. Their behavior during SP2 and confusing people about
an update for Norton was classic I wouldn't expect them to make anything
for Vista compatibility until the last second or after Vista RTMs which I
believe will be later than a lot of people think.
jco said:I feel like I've been ripped off. I'm looking at my CD and it shows
folders with only 2-files in the root which are text files. Then the setup
folder is available to install. I cannot boot. I don't have a boot file
or Image file that contains the boot information. I would be interested in
knowing what files are on your root CD that causes it to boot from the CD.
Maybe it's just a batch file? I would like to know?