everything? on what kind of machine?
Yes. Homebuilt
Athlon XP 1800
Shuttle AK-32A
Viewsonic E70f+
Auto detected the router and had browsing ready to go.
I have two machines in my home "computer room". One is the unit
mentioned above while the other is a WinXP system. The XP box has
been my primary system for the past two years. Built the Linux box as
an experiment as well as a backup. My first attempt was a disaster.
That was a Red Hat distribution and I knew nothing of Linux and the
command line instructions.
With Mandrake I found a GUI presentation similar to Windows. That
made it easier to play with. Quickly discovered things like the Open
Office suite which permits me to work with MS-Office files seamlessly.
In fact one of the big surprises is the number of applications that
are part of the basic distribution.
While I'm still largely a Windows user my ratio of use has gone from
about 98% x 2% to about 60% x 40%.
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